When and Where to Use Pointers in Go

When declaring variables in Go, we usually have two syntax options: In some scenarios, pointers; in others, reference; sometimes, either. It’s great to have choices, but it is also confusing sometimes as to which one in which scenario. To be more reasonable in choice-making, I started from pointers, walked through their natures, and summarized some rules in using them in Go. from unsplash, Jordan Ladikos Pointers Go has pointers. A pointer holds the memory address of a ...

   POINTER,GOLANG     2022-05-01 02:24:43

  What else is new in C# 5?

The big new feature in C# 5 is asynchronous programming support, which I wrote about last week. However, the C# folks have also slipped in a couple of smaller features and I thought I’d round things out by mentioning those. Method caller information There’s a complete style guide to be written on Writing Enterprisey Code, but one of my favourite “enterprisey” tells, after the use of Visual Basic, is obsessively logging every function you pass through: Function Ad...

   C# 5,New feature,Analysis     2012-03-20 07:45:11

  Run executable jar on double click on Windows

Normally after installing Java, there will be an association between .jar and the javaw.exe. This enables the executable jar to be opened on double click. You can check the association by going to Control Panel -> Programs -> Default Programs -> Associate a file type or protocol with a program. The default program of a file type can be changed in this dialog. However sometimes there are cases where the file association for .jar may be altered after a third party application instal...

   JAVA,WINDOWS,JAR,EXECUTABLE JAR     2016-05-12 03:05:04

  JavaScript Needs Blocks

While reading Hacker News posts about JavaScript, I often come across the misconception that Ruby’s blocks are essentially equivalent to JavaScript’s “first class functions”. Because the ability to pass functions around, especially when you can create them anonymously, is extremely powerful, the fact that both JavaScript and Ruby have a mechanism to do so makes it natural to assume equivalence. In fact, when people talk about why Ruby’s blocks are different ...

   JavaScript,Block,Style,Format,Maintainebility     2012-01-11 11:59:35

  A simple way to remove the small arrow on on desktop application shortcut

Maybe many of us will see a small arrow on desktop application shortcut after we install the application on Windows. Some may like it but some people may think it doesn't look beautiful enough. We may need to remove these small arrows somehow the desktop can be clean. So how? Many people may use a third party software to remove the small arrows, then they must go to download the software and install them. But do we necessary do this in order to remove the small arrow?The answer is no. Here I ...

   Small Arrow,Shortcut,Desktop,Application,Windows     2014-10-25 08:39:58

  Android socket programming example

Socket is a kind of interface for different sides t communicate, it usually identified by an IP and a port. There are many server side software on a server and they would provide different service. Each server many create some sockets and bind them to some ports so that clients can listen to. Software on the Internet will exchange data though a bidirectional connection established. Each end of the connection has a socket created. In Java, Socket and ServerSocket are in package, ServerSo...

   Android,Socket,Java     2013-05-11 22:17:16

  Strict mode in JavaScript

1. Introduction In addition to normal mode, ECMAScript 5 includes the other mode : strict mode. It means it will make JavaScript codes execute in a more strict environment. The purposes to have strict mode are: Remove some unreasonable and parts of JavaScript syntax. Reduce some of the quirk behaviors. Remove some insecure parts of code execution. Make the execution environment more secure Improve interpret efficiency and increase the execution speed Build foundation for future JavaScript versi...

   JavaScript, Strict mode. Introduction     2013-01-17 05:00:26

  9 Ways to Create Thread Pools with Java Executors

In Java, the Executors class provides a variety of static factory methods to create different types of thread pools. When learning about thread pools, the Executors class is indispensable. Mastering its usage, principles, and scenarios will enable you to apply it smoothly in actual project development. Here are some commonly used methods, which I will explain one by one: newCachedThreadPool(): Creates a cached thread pool. If a thread has not been used for 60 seconds, it will be terminated and ...

   TUTORIAL,JAVA THREAD     2024-07-19 23:07:09

  Where Have You Installed Your Python Packages?

Preface I am writing this article because I recently noticed in the Python community that there are several frequently asked questions: Why does running the command after installing pip result in a "executable not found" error? Why does importing a module result in a "ModuleNotFound" error? Why can I run my code in PyCharm, but it doesn't work in the command prompt? Rather than just providing solutions, it is better to teach people how to fish. To address these types of issues, you need to und...


  A completely new approach to surveillance - should you be worried?

Paranoia is not necessarily a bad thing - assuming someone is really out there to get you. True or not, the paranoid have had issues they need to control explode as the internet developed, they also got specific tools to make their secrets (or their life, not everybody has a dark secret) more secure and under control. Unfortunately to them, and to the amazement of science and science fiction fans worldwide, a new way of obtaining secrets has appeared and it’s something very few expected. ...

   security     2014-08-11 05:41:58