You know what UTF-8 is when you see it?

When we are coding we may often see some encoding specifications in our source codes such as UTF-8,GB2312. Do you know what these encoding mean and why we need them? In this post, Julián Solórzano will introduce the most widely used encoding specification around the world accomodating all different character sets in the world. UTF-8 is a method for encoding Unicode characters using 8-bit sequences. Unicode is a standard for representing a great variety of characters from many ...

   UTF-8,Encoding     2014-04-18 22:13:44

  Manipulating JavaScript Arrays

Our first tutorial on JavaScript arrays covered the basics: creating arrays, accessing the contents of arrays, array lengths, and looping through arrays. In this tutorial, you explore arrays in more depth, and learn how to use various methods of the Array object to manipulate arrays. Extracting sections of an array with slice() You're not limited to accessing single array elements at a time. Thanks to the slice() method, you can grab a whole section of an array at once. slice() has the follow...

   JavaScript,Array,Manipulate,Join,Splice     2011-08-07 01:56:06

  Jelly Bean distribution reaches 0.8% in all Android distributions

Jelly Bean (Android 4.1) is a surprise Google I/O conference bringing to us. After three weeks, Google official statistics said Jelly Bean distribution had reached 0.8% in all Android distributions.The latest Android ecosystem data shows Jelly Bean has a very good start, HSPA+ version of Galaxy Nexus can upgrade the system to Android 4.1(Jelly Bean) began in early July. The Ice Cream Sandwich system distribution rose to 15.8% from 10.9%, it became the second largest system version  followin...

   Jelly Bean,Distribution,Share     2012-08-03 15:11:27

  Memory related exception analysis in Java

Java Virtual Machine Specification divides the memory of JVM into several areas : Heap, Stack, The Program Counter register and Method area etc. In HotSpot JVM, heap is composed of Young, Tenured and Perm. There are different OutOfMemory error can happen in different memory area. Next is an overview of some of these OOM errors. StackOverflowError The JVM will allow only a specified number of stacks created nested. An JVM option -Xss can be set to determine the maximum stack size. If the num...

   Java, Memory model, Memory exception, OOM     2015-01-19 06:54:27

  Preprocessor magic:Default Arguments in C

This post is for programmers who like C or for one reason or another can't use anything else but C in one of their projects. The advantages of having default arguments is not something that needs convincing. It's just very nice and convenient to have them. C++ offers the ability to define them but C under the C99 standard has no way to allow it. In this post I will detail two ways I know of implementing default arguments in C. If a reader happens to know additional ways please share in ...

   C,Preprocessor,Default arguments     2012-02-19 06:17:04

  Prototypes and Object Orientation

David Chisnall takes a look at the two dominant paradigms in object-oriented languages (classes and prototypes) and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of each.Two terms are quite often confused when describing programming languages:class-based and object-oriented:Simula was the first class-based language. It provided classes (actually implemented using closures) as a means of encapsulating abstract data types.Smalltalk was the first object-oriented language. It provided a...

   Prototype,OOP,Differential,Comparison,Mo     2011-09-02 11:51:26

  4 asynchronous programming methods in JavaScript

You may know the execution environment of JavaScript is single threaded. The so called single thread means only one task can be running at any time, if there are many tasks, they need to be in a queue and wait for the previous task to be completed. The advantage of this mode is it's easy to implement and the execution environment is relative simple; the disadvantage is that if one task takes long time, the tasks following it must wait in the queue and this will delay other tasks consequently. Th...


  Understanding the "this" keyword in JavaScript

Many people get tripped up by the this keyword in JavaScript. I think the confusion comes from people reasonably expecting this to work like “this” does in Java or the way people use “self” in Python. Although this is sometimes used to similar effect, it’s nothing like “this” in Java or other languages. And while it’s a little harder to understand, its behavior isn’t magic. In fact, this follows a relatively small set of simple rules. This...

   JavaScript,this,understanding     2012-03-29 13:48:59

  C++ Versus Objective-C

What will programming in Objective-C mean to the C++ programmer Different Object Oriented Languages Almost all of us have heard the term object oriented programming, and most of us have used C++. How will Apple's purchase of NeXT, and NeXT's framework using Objective-C affect us as we develop software? If we know C++ already, how hard will it be to get up to speed on Objective-C? Many people will agree that once they understand the concepts of object oriented programming it doesn't matter...

   C++,Objective-C,OOP,Comparison,Methods,Philosohpy     2011-12-12 07:51:40

  Top 9 Web Design Trends in 2020

To stay in demand, a top-level design agency must be aware of the current trends. This will improve their professional skills, help them to keep an eye on the latest events, and offer the clients relevant models that will increase conversion, website traffic, and customer loyalty. Read on to find out which nine web design trends are popular in 2020. UL animation There is a stereotype that it makes no sense to develop a complex, high-quality animation because it will not be supported by devices w...

   WEB DESIGN,UX     2020-09-04 10:06:52