Advanced event registration models

On this page I explain the two advanced event registration models: W3C’s and Microsoft’s. Since neither is cross–browser supported, their use is, for the moment, deprecated. W3C and Microsoft have both developed their own event registration model to replace Netscape’s traditional model. Though I’m not impressed by the Microsoft model, W3C’s is very good, except for one crucial vagueness. Unfortunately few browsers support it at the moment. W3C W3Câ...

   JavaScript,Event model,this,bubble,capturing     2011-12-27 09:20:44

  Use cases of Java enumeration

JDK 1.5 introduces a new type -- enumeration. In Java, it's just a small feature, but it can bring us much convenience.Here we summarize some use cases of Java enumeration. 1. Constant Prior to JDK 1.5, we can define constant as public static final..., now we can use enumeration to group all constants in one enum variable and it also provides some useful functions. public enum Color {     RED, GREEN, BLANK, YELLOW   }  2.In Swit...

   Java, Enum,enumeration     2013-01-05 09:15:30

  Generate certificate in Java -- Store certificate in KeyStore

In previous post, we have explained how to create a certificate chain in Java. After generating the chain, we need to store it somewhere so that it can be used later when we are doing the actual SSL communication, either in a key store or trust store. This post will show you how to store the private key and its associated certificate chain in a keystore file. There are different types of keystore in Java, in this post, we will choose the JKS to demonstrate how to store the certificate chain. Whe...

   Java,Certificate chain,Keystore     2014-08-20 03:56:39

  That’s Not TDD

A few months ago I was visiting a client who was having a lot of problems using TDD. “It takes over half an hour to run our unit tests,” he said. “You are not doing TDD,” I said. “In order for tests to be valuable all of them must run fast—within a few seconds, or developers will stop running tests frequently.” “But how to I make them run fast?” he asked, “Just connecting to the database takes 30 seconds” So I showed him a techn...

   TDD,Driver,QA,Model,Uncontrol,Method     2011-08-25 02:26:29

  Using Angular 2 with Asp.Net MVC/Asp.Net Core development professionals bring this post to explain the use of Angular 2 with MVC/ Core. You will read the overview of Angular 2 and Core at first in this post. Read the article to find how experts use Angular 2 with MVC / Core. Angular 2 Overview Angular 2 is the upcoming version of MV framework used for creating high level applications in browser. It contains everything needed to create a complex mobile or web apps from a variety of templates. Angular team recently re...

   ASP.NET DEVELOPMENT,ANGULAR 2, ASP.NET MVC     2016-10-29 05:15:06

  CSS Selector for Web Scraping

Creating a web scraper is no easy task. This is because it requires precision to identify the specific data points that we intend to collect for the end goal we are working towards.  Whether we are looking to create a marketing content database or analyze market trends, the last thing we need from our scraper is for it to return a lot of unnecessary data that will not help our cause. To avoid the inconvenience of going through huge amounts of data to get what we requested, it is crucial to ...

   CSS,WEB DESIGN,SELECTOR     2023-02-20 07:32:53

  Some hidden XSS injection vulnerabilities

XSS injection refers to a Web page generates some unexpected executable js codes based on user input  and these executable codes are executed by web browser,i.e, the source code sent to web browser by the server contains some illegal js codes, and these illegal js codes are related to user's input. Common XSS injection vulnerabilities can be fixed with some functions such as htmlspecialchars(escaping HTML special characters) and strip_tags() or similar, but there are some hidden XSS injecti...

   XSS,PHP,Security,Code,JavaScript     2012-08-27 20:32:08

  The seven rules of Unobtrusive JavaScript

I've found the following rules over the years developing, teaching and implementing JavaScript in an unobtrusive manner. They have specifically been the outline of a workshop on unobtrusive JavaScript for the Paris Web conference 2007 in Paris, France. I hope that they help you understand a bit why it is a good idea to plan and execute your JavaScript in this way. It has helped me deliver products faster, with much higher quality and a lot easier maintenance. 1. Do no...

   JavaScript,Feature,Tips     2012-01-18 08:21:39

  Be careful about nil check on interface in GoLang

nil check is frequently seen in GoLang code especially for error check since GoLang's special error handling convention. In most cases, nil check is straight forward, but in interface case, it's a bit different and special care needs to be taken. Take a look at below code snippet and guess what the output will be. package main import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" ) func check(w io.Writer) { if w != nil { fmt.Println("w is not nil") } fmt.Printf("w is %+v\n", w) } func main() { var b *bytes.B...


  Code Refurbishment

Within our industry we use a huge range of terminology.  Unfortunately we don’t all agree on what individual terms actually mean.  I so often hear people misuse the term “Refactoring” which has come to make the business in many organisations recoil in fear.  The reason for this fear I’ve observed is because of what people often mean when misusing this term.I feel we are holding back our industry by not being disciplined in our use of terminology.  If...

   Code Refurbishment,Code design,terminolo     2011-09-05 08:17:14