GoLang is often criticized by people on lacking of features and bad error handling style. What are some of the bad comments people have on GoLang?...

191  1

With development of AI, the code editors are also evolving. Originally Microsoft offered Github Copilot which can help complete code by giving instructions on what needs to be done. Now Cursor and Windsurf are going one step further which can also help edit code instead of just completing code. Have you started to use these new editors? Which one are you using? And good or bad thing to share?...

84,317  0

With the popularity of AI, people are talking about what kind of jobs would be replaced by AI again and many think that programmers are those who would be replaced. Given that IDEs like Cursor can help generates code by just giving a description on what to do, it seems it's the case. But is it really the case? Will programmers be replaced by AI? Are you worried?...

570  1

AI becomes a very hot topic again since the introduction of OpenAI's ChatGPT and now more and more people are learning AI or LLMs. What is your story? And any recommendation for new commers?...

1,085  2

As a programmer, we may sometimes find some Chrome extensions useful for us to improve our daily life. Do you have any recommendation and why? Leave a note....

1,815  1

As a programmer, what does your personal desk look like? How many monitors do you have? Does it look like that in The Matrix?...

9,507  1


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As a developer, the major work daily is normally coding and debugging. However, nowadays it's pretty challenge for the developer to invest much time on coding every day as there are lots of other things distracting us like meetings, emails etc.How much time do you spend on coding daily? What are the distractions you have in your daily work?...

18,657  2