XMLHttpRequest Level 2 user guide

XMLHttpRequest is a web browser interface, it makes it possible for JavaScript doing HTTP(s) communication. Microsoft's IE5 first introduced XMLHttpRequest, because it's so useful that many other browsers also adopted this. AJAX came to the front since. However, this interface is not standardized, implementation among different browsers is different, with the emerging of HTML5, W3C is considering to standardize this interface. In February 2008, they proposed a XMLHttpRequest Level 2 draft. This ...

   XMLHttpRequest, progress, upload, binary data     2012-09-19 11:51:50

  Smuggling data in pointers

While reading up on The ABA Problem I came across a fantastic hack.  The ABA problem, in a nutshell, results from the inability to atomically access both a pointer and a "marked" bit at the same time (read the wikipedia page).  One fun, but very hackish solution is to "smuggle" data in a pointer.  Example:#include "stdio.h"void * smuggle(void * ptr, int value){  return (void *)( (long long)ptr | (value & 3) );}int recoverData(void * ptr){  return (long long)ptr &...

   C,Pointer,Bit,Data,Atomic,Smuggle     2011-11-14 08:15:59

  App's user value doesn't necessarily bring business value

There is an old saying in Internet world, you can get business value as long as you can achieve user value. Is this statement outdated in mobile Internet era? This statement originated from PC Internet era, but now the time users spend on PC drops and user behavior tends to be stable and conservative. In contrast, people are more willing to stay on mobile devices. The difference between PC and mobile is that users are freely to move around on PC end. People can navigate from one link to another ...

   App,Business value,User value     2013-06-25 10:52:12

  Tricks with Direct Memory Access in Java

Java was initially designed as a safe managed environment. Nevertheless, Java HotSpot VM contains a “backdoor” that provides a number of low-level operations to manipulate memory and threads directly. This backdoor – sun.misc.Unsafe â€“ is widely used by JDK itself in packages like java.nio or java.util.concurrent. It is hard to imagine a Java developer that uses this backdoor in any regular development because this API is extremely dangerous...

   Java,Directly memory access,Tricks,JVM     2012-02-13 05:31:19

  errGroup in GoLang explained

Today, let's talk about the usage and applicable scenarios of errGroup, which is often used. Why is it useful? Generally, when we use goroutine, we cannot return a value. If you want to pass out the result of the goroutine execution, you usually have to use the channel. The errGroup package is suitable if you want to know when the goroutine you opened encounters an error during execution and stop working, and I need to know the error value. errGroup usage The package needs to be downloaded and i...


  Python object creation sequence

[The Python version described in this article is 3.x] This article aims to explore the process of creating new objects in Python. As I explained in a previous article, object creation is just a special case of calling a callable. Consider this Python code: class Joe: pass j = Joe() What happens when j = Joe() is executed? Python sees it as a call to the callable Joe, and routes it to the internal function PyObject_Call, with Joe passed as the first argument. PyObject_Call looks at the ty...

   Python,Object creation     2012-04-16 15:03:55

  Get associated file icon with only extension name using C++ on Windows

I have searched on Google for a few examples on how to get associated file icon with only file extension name using C++ on Windows. There are some useful information provided on MSDN which explains the use of SHGetFileInfo() function.It also gives an example code, but it doesn't say how to do it with only the extension name.  Here I give an example code on how to achieve this after I gathered and summarized some  useful information from Internet. I have tested the code on my PC, it w...

   File icon,Windows,Association,Extension name,C++     2012-03-26 09:55:20

  Guide to Implement an SSH Client Using Golang

SSH, short for Secure Shell, is a network protocol used for securely remote logging into other computers on a network. I believe most backend developers are familiar with SSH. Common shell tools used for logging into servers, such as Xshell, SecureCRT, and iTerm2, are all based on the SSH protocol. In Golang, the crypto/ssh package provides functionality for implementing an SSH client. In this article, we will explain in detail how to implement an SSH client using Golang. Creating SSH Client Con...

   SSH CLIENT,GUIDE,SSH,GOLANG     2023-11-11 09:19:29

  Generate first N prime numbers

Recently I am taking an online course named "Startup Engineering" on coursera. There is one assignment which is to use NodeJS to write a program to generate the first 100 prime numbers. This may be very easy for many people. Here I just want to share with you the code to generate not only the first 100 prime numbers. but also any number of prime numbers. Below is the code snippet: //Helper class to generate prime numbers var PrimeProcessor=(function(){ var primeArray=[]; functio...

   Algorithm,Prime number,NodeJS,coursera,JavaScript     2013-06-29 22:08:22

  GoLang Interview Questions

Below lists some frequently asked GoLang interview questions and their corresponding answers based on the author's experience. The list is updated frequently with new understandings. Stay tuned. What is the GMP model of GoLang? GoLang uses goroutine to achieve concurrency and it is famous for high concurrency support as the language defines its own goroutine dispatching and processing system which is well known as GMP model. How it works is that M is normally defined as the OS thread being spawn...