A strange behavior of printing struct with nested struct in GoLang

Normally when trying to print a struct , we would use %v to show all data of the struct. It will print the default format for each field in the struct. %v the value in a default format when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names But recently we observed a strange behavior when printing a struct with nested struct which has a String() string implemented, the %v format prints an 'unexpected' output per our understanding.   Let's see the example snippet first. pa...

   PROGRAMMING,GOLANG     2018-10-29 09:59:49

  Use Memory Analyzer Tool in Eclipse

When developing applications, we often encounter memory issues of an application. To analyze how much memory each class takes, we need to have some specific tools to assist us. One of them is Memory Analyzer Tool on Eclipse. The Eclipse Memory Analyzer is a fast and feature-rich Java heap analyzer that helps you find memory leaks and reduce memory consumption. To use the Memory Analyzer Tool, you first need to install it on Eclipse. You can go to Help -> Install New Software.... Paste  h...

   Memory analyzer tool, Eclipse,heap dump, HPROF     2014-10-28 07:22:35

  Create cron job on CentOS

These two days, I am building a website and deploying it on a VPS server which uses CentOS 5. I don't have cPanel or Plesk for my account, so I need to install and configure everything myself including Apache, PHP, MySQL and FTP server, also today's topic cron job. Since my website has a ranking algorithm to calculate the rankings of each link and update the ranking on database and I need to calculate the rankings every 5 minutes, so I think to use cron jobs. Here are what I have done which may ...

   cron job,crontab,CentOS,linux,php,example     2012-06-11 09:23:45

  11 Important Database designing rules

Introduction Before you start reading this article let me confirm that I am not a guru in database designing. The below 11 points which are listed are points which I have learnt via projects, my own experiences and my own reading. I personally think it has helped me a lot when it comes to DB designing. Any criticism welcome. The reason why I am writing a full blown article is, when developers sit for designing a database they tend to follow the three normal forms like a silver bullet. They...

   Database design,Rules,OLAP     2012-04-12 05:51:38

  Function Pointers in C are Underrated

The function pointer in C is, in my opinion, one of the most ignored gems of the language. It’s the kind of feature you rarely need, and then suddenly, one day, you find yourself in dire need of it, as evidenced by the real-life use-case below. If you don’t know what a function pointer is in the first place, here’s the meat of it: it gives you the ability to pass a function around like a normal variable. If you know Python / Ruby / Lisp, you might know it by the name...

   C,Pointer,Analysis     2012-03-24 05:23:09

  Dates in PHP and MySQL

I see a lot of people on forums and on my training courses asking about the best way (or any way) to manage dates stored in a MySQL database and used in PHP. Three options follow, but first the problem.PHP uses unix timestamps for all its date functionality. It has methods to convert these timestamps into pretty much any text format you could want but internally it uses the timestamp format. A timestamp is simply an integer. Specifically, it’s the number of seconds that have ela...

   PHP,MySQL,Date format,Date,Comparison,Date compare     2011-10-17 14:00:57

  Shortest command on Linux

Usually when we log in to a Linux system,. we may type some frequently used Linux commands such as pwd,ls, ps etc. All these commands are really simple but powerful with different options. But do you know what is the shortest command on Linux? The answer is w. According to Linux manual, w will show who is logged on and what they are doing on the system. w displays information about the users currently on the machine, and their processes. The header shows, in this order, the current time, how l...

   Linux,w,shortest command     2014-04-30 11:07:38

  Samsung will build its own mobile browser

According to the Korean IT News, Samsung is developing its own brand mobile browser based on WebKit, make its the default browser for future Gaxlaxy products.Samsung has posted recruitment advertisements for recruiting Webkit developers in its Advanced Software Platform Lab located in the Silicon Valley. Webkit is an open-source browser engine, Apple's Safari and Google's Chrome are based on this open source engine.For many users, the phone's built-in default browser is still the most used, so S...

   Samsung,Browser,Webkit     2012-09-24 22:32:00

  Cron Job in cPanel with PHP

Running PHP scripts automatically can have some big benefits. You can wait to have things get done when there is less traffic on your server, or you can ensure daily tasks get done on time. cPanel Simple CronEven if you do not know anything about cron jobs, and have never run a cron job before - you can get started with the simple cron tool built into cPanel. The url for it is: A few things you'll need is the path to php and the path...

   PHP,Cron,Autonomous Job,cPanel,Linux     2011-04-26 09:48:40

  Automatically Updating Charts for Additional Data in Excel

Excel shines at turning your data into charts—graphical representations of your data. You can easily create a chart based on a range of data in a worksheet. Normally, if you add additional data to your range, you will need to once again create the chart or at best change the range of cells on which the chart is based. If you get tired of modifying charts to refer to new data ranges, there are a couple of shortcuts you can try out. The first shortcut works fine if you simply need to...

   Excel,Graph,Auto update,New data,Automat     2011-08-13 04:36:53