Another Chinese Siri : Baidu launched phone voice assistant

  sonic0002        2012-12-25 02:16:27       5,833        0         

Today, Baidu launched their own phone voice assistant "Baidu voice assistant Baidu claims it as the first apply the depth neural network (DNN) to speech recognition products in China, it reduces recognition error rate by 25%.

Similar to other voice assistants, Baidu voice assistant can be roughly divided into the function of the phone calls, information querying and voice communication. Users can use voice to make phone call, send SMS and set the alarm etc. Similarly, Baidu voice assistant supports nearby information queries, such as weather, flight, travel routes and nearby restaurants. Baidu voice assisstant is fully integrated with its nearby information, service including their own maps.

Baidu is first famous for its Chinese search engine, and accumulated considerable experience in the processing of natural semantics. It is said that the launch of Baidu voice assistant from the semantics of front-end voice recognition to the backend content supply are developed completely by Baidu. As a result, it will not only integrate Baidu's business together but also transfer its advantage on search to their mobile service.

The Apple Siri and Google Now created a precedent for smartphone voice assistant, there is no domiant on voice assistant service in China;s smartphone field. Although competition is fierce, but the focus of different providers is slightly different. It's still a big market for Chinese voice assistant since the support of Chinese in Apple Siri and Google Now is still not very satisfying.

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