Is Google still in China?

  Tencent Tech        2013-07-05 07:12:58       5,559        1         

According to Tencent Tech, data from traffic statistics agency CNZZ shows that Google only ranks fifth in China's search engine market calculating by page views. Its market share is 2.13% in China. and although Baidu is still at the first place, its market share also declined and the its market share is less than 70%.

Overall, Google's market share in China drops continuously.

At the same time, Baidu also faces competition from other search engines, especially from new entrants Qihoo. Qihoo launched its own search engine in August last year, and its market share quickly rose to the second place. Last November, Qihoo CEO Hongyi Zhou anticipated that the company's market share would be 15% -20%, and this value is sufficient to challenge Baidu. In June, the search market share  of Qihoo exceeded 15%.

Google announced to leave China in 2010, the reason why it chose to leave China is that it cannot accept the requirement of censorship of search results from Chinese government. Its market share in China declines is expected. Chinese people now can still access Google through Actually compared to Baidu, many Chinese are still willing to use Google because it returns more accurate search results.

Hope that Google can come back to China in one day.





monster [Reply]@ 2013-07-07 22:31:32

Baidu it and you know it,Google it and you know more....


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