Market share of Android approaches 70% globally

  Sina Tech        2013-07-01 08:21:56       3,095        0         

According to Sina Tech, research firm Kantar Worldpanel's latest report shows that market share of Android phones exceeds 70% in UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain from March to May, thus drives the global market share of Android close to 70% .

The report shows that despite the popularity of smart phones in developed countries slows down, but Android continues its growth. During this period, market share of Android in Europe is 70.4% which is nearly 10% higher than the same period last year. Apple's iPhone market share in Europe is 17.8%, while the market share of Windows Phone is 6.8%.

Globally the market share of Android was 64% last year. In the past few months, since the market share of Android phones increases in almost every market, so its current global market share is close to 70%.

As the world's largest smartphone market, Android has a strong performance in China as well. In the past three months, market share of Android exceeds 70% in China.

In United States, the market share of Android is 52% during this period, higher than the 49.3% in the same period last year. iPhone market share is 41.9%, while the market share of Windows Phone is 4.6%. BlackBerry performs relatively poor, its market share falls to 2.5% in Europe and 0.7% in United States.

The global director of Kantar Worldpanel Paul Moore said: "In Europe, Android still has a strong growth speed, but in the U.S. market, Apple's co-operation with T-Mobile to expand the sales channels prevents the pace of Android  "





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