The biggest change ever of iOS--iOS 7

  sonic0002        2013-06-10 22:39:45       3,544        0         

In this year's WWDC, Apple unveils its new iOS--iOS 7. The new iOS has the most significant change since it first came to the public. But many people may be disappointed about this. I am not one of them.

In WWDC, Tim Cook said iOS 7 is more flatter than before and it has a completely new user interface design, new slide to unlock feature, official share and weather apps are redesigned. The weather apple now has almost the same feature as the newly updated Yahoo weather application.

Ive said the new iOS has new brand new color palette, the whole interface has a translucent jelly color.

The folder in iOS 7 can contain over 100 applications, there is no limitation of 12-16 apps in each folder now. New notification center can be accessed from anywhere(even from the lock screen), it's very convenient for users to check all messages.

iOS 7 introduces Control Center. Now the controls you want to access quickly are all in one convenient place. With just one swipe from the bottom of your screen, you have access to controls for Airplane Mode, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Do Not Disturb, and the ability to adjust screen brightness, pause or play a song, jump to the next track and stream your music with AirPlay®. Control Center also gives you instant access to apps such as Clock, Camera, Calculator and the Flashlight.

With improved Multitasking in iOS 7, developers have the ability to enable any app to multitask in the background with a new API. Users have the ability to switch between their apps in a more visual and intuitive way, and iOS 7 pays attention to which apps you use most and automatically keeps your content up to date in the background.

A new sharing app AirDrop which can automatically show contacts nearby and send content to the other side without setting up network.

iPhones are used to take more photos around the world every day than any other camera, and with iOS 7 the new Camera app features filters so you can add real-time photo effects. The Camera app now includes a square camera option, and you can quickly and easily switch between your four cameras—video, photo, square and panorama—with just a swipe.

Siri's tone is also changed, it's more soft and natural now. Also it supports tone of men, it integrates Twitter voice search, you can directly ask Siri what people are saying on Twitter.

iOS7 is more connected with cars, you can better use iPhone and iPad in a car, the new system is named as iOS in the Car, it supports Siri,maps and voice navigation.

iOS 7 Beta is now available to developers, the official release time is this fall. It will support iPhone 4,iPad 2 and above models,iPad mini and iPod Touch 5.

The change will always come with disagreements, it's the same for iOS 7. There may be many people are not used to the new changes of iOS 7.They may think Ive doesn't know about design or Apple is messing up everything. However, the iOS 7 you see now is not the real iOS 7 to be released, once you install the new system and have a try, you may then understand why they change the design and in turn you may fall in love  with the changes. It's the same case for iPhone 5. People need time to adapt to the new things.






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