SkyDrive may be banned on App Store

  Peter        2012-12-11 13:41:11       3,664        0         

Apple App Store may block Microsoft SkyDrive, because Microsoft is not willing to pay for SkyDrive to be on App Store.

According to App Store agreement, 30% income of an app on App Store should be paid to Apple, However, Microsoft said it was difficult for them to accept it.

SkyDrive provides users with 7GB of free storage space, after which the user should pay for extra storage space up to 100 GB. Apple insists that 30% of sales of SkyDrive storage space should be paid to Apple, Microsoft thinks users may purchase SkyDrive space via App Store, but the use of this space is not only limited to the iOS platform, they can use the space in through other devices, so Apple should not use this policy to ask money from Microsoft.

Microsoft is not the first cloud storage service provider affected by Apple's revenue division system, Dropbox also faced the same situation. Finally Dropbox chooses to close the service of storage sale on the iOS platform. Microsoft also came out the same solution, closing the storage sales service for iOS version of SkyDrive, but this proposal is rejected by Apple.

The banned app is not only Microsoft's SkyDrive, third-party application integrated with SkyDrive are also affected. Regardless of who is right and who is wrong in this matter, it seems application developers have to bear some risks.

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