Samsung loses $12.3 billion in one day

  sonic0002        2012-08-27 21:37:24       3,963        0         

Following the court decision last Friday on Samsung's infringement of Apple's patents, Apple did not stop, they immediately submitted an application to the court to ban some Samsung smartphones, including 8 types of Samsung smartphones sold in United States. Apple listed in detail in the document what patents these phones infringed. These 8 smartphones are:

  • Galaxy S 4G
  • Galaxy S2 (AT&T)
  • Galaxy S2 (Skyrocket)
  • Galaxy S2 (T-Mobile)
  • Galaxy S2 Epic 4G
  • Galaxy S Showcase
  • Droid Charge
  • Galaxy Prevail

Since the case is ended, if Apple wants the court to ban these eight smartphones, they only need to prove that these eight smartphones will have irreparable harm to Apple if they are not banned. Although the situation is favorable for Apple, it's too early to say that these smartphones will be banned.

At the same time, in Korea Stock Exchange trading on Monday, Samsung shares fell sharply by 7.5%, marking the biggest one-day drop since the end of 2008 when the global economy has entered a recession cycle. In one day, Samsung's market value evaporated by about $12.3 billion. What Samsung loses may not just be the $1billion damages paid to Apple in this lost lawsuit, it's far beyond that.

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