The war with spam comment

Spam comments are annoying and notorious. They are either malicious data from hackers to exploit the loopholes of the site or advertisements posted by robots. These kinds of comments have their own features and patterns, if we are careful enough, we can find ways to block most of them although it's not so easy. To block the comment with malicious executable codes such as JavaScript, we should remember one rule : never trust user input. So wherever there are user inputs, we need to check the vali...

   Spam comment,Block,Filter     2013-11-29 20:29:43

  How to read Haskell like Python

Have you ever been in the situation where you need to quickly understand what a piece of code in some unfamiliar language does? If the language looks a lot like what you’re comfortable with, you can usually guess what large amounts of the code does; even if you may not be completely familiar how all the language features work.For Haskell, this is a little more difficult, since Haskell syntax looks very different from traditional languages. But there's no really deep difference here; you j...

   Haskell,Python,Format,Like,Similarity     2011-11-15 08:45:39

  Breaking Barriers: How 3D Printing is Democratizing Product Development

Innovation has always been the cornerstone of progress, driving societies forward and shaping our future. However, for many years, the realm of product development and manufacturing was largely restricted to big corporations with hefty budgets and access to specialized resources. This created a barrier for individuals and small businesses aspiring to bring their ideas to life. Fortunately, the advent of 3D printing technology has shattered these barriers, democratizing product development and op...

   UV PRINTING,3D PRINTING     2024-03-05 08:15:32

  Do You Morph Into A Different Programmer?

Every experience you have as a software developer should change you in some way. And I don’t just mean growing older by virtue of time passing. Everything you do should evolve your understanding of your craft (and/or related skills) or your understanding of yourself – which ultimately achieves the same goal. I am not just talking about major milestones in your software development career like switching jobs, becoming a leader/manager or starting you own company. Every job, ev...

   Programmer,Steps,Process,Developer     2011-08-18 08:59:01

  Jackie the smart quadcopter to launch at Robotics Week

Flying security camera synced to smartphone kicks off Kickstarter campaign Entrepreneurs and robotics graduate students Jackie Wu and Ritwik Ummalaneni, in Northwestern University’s Master’s in Robotics program, are launching their new product, Jackie, during the National Robotics Week. The flying security camera quadcopter syncs straight to a smartphone, and is the next evolution in home security platforms that consumers have been waiting for. Jackie’s intuitive and easy co...

   Startup,Quadcopter,Security camera,Jackie Wu     2015-04-05 20:56:11

  SQL Injection through HTTP Headers

During vulnerability assessment or penetration testing, identifying the input vectors of the target application is a primordial step. Sometimes, when dealing with Web application testing, verification routines related to SQL injection flaws discovery are restricted to the GET and POST variables as the unique inputs vectors ever. What about other HTTP header parameters? Aren’t they potential input vectors for SQL injection attacks? How can one test all these HTTP parameters and whic...

   Code security,SQL injection,HTTP header     2012-04-05 11:42:04

  HeartBleed: Inside the heart, what causes the bleeding?

Just after a few weeks since Apple's famous goto fail bug, there is one bug in OpenSSL which catches the attention from the world again. The bug is named HeartBleed, found in OpenSSL library, a famous open source library supporting lots of  SSL/TLS communication among server/client applications. The reason why this bug catches the attentions from the world is it affects almost all sites which are using the affected OpenSSL library, these includes many applications like Nginx server, some v...

   OpenSSL,HeartBleed     2014-04-09 05:47:30

  Some laws of interactive design

The well known quote from Alan Cooper is   Conforming to the standard unless there is a better choice. There are some best practices in interaction design. How many do you know? 1. Fitts' Law The time from one start point to target point is determined by two parameters: The distance to the target and the size of the target. )D and W in above picture), the formula is : T=a+blog2(D/W+1). It was first proposed by Paul Fitts, it is mathematical model used to predict the time from any poin...

   interaction design, laws, Fitts' law     2012-11-16 11:25:24

  One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Goo...

   Earnings report,IT giant     2013-04-27 10:05:38

  About short URL and its implementation

IntroductionURL shortening is a kind of technique to convert a long URL to a short URL. There are many companies now providing this kind of service, we now take Google's URL shortener service as an example.First we navigate to, then we enter a random URL into the text field, here we use as the input, it will return us an shortened URL : URL ParsingWhen we type in browser address bar, the DNS...

       2012-07-02 07:15:09