As A Hottest Job Ever, What Should You Know As A Front End Web Developer?

  elenarandall        2019-08-12 05:36:28       1,689        0         

The front end web developers are the openers for the visitors to visit the web page. It is also known as the client-side development, works predominantly with HTML, CSS, and Javascript. The tools and techniques are the important players of the front end web development. The developer must be aware of the updation of web technologies.

The scope is evergreen with this technology as every company or business needs a website to showcase their profile. There are many objectives must be measured while developing the site which means there are multiple devices with various sizes and the developer must be lookout to match this role. They should take care of every working aspect in means different browsers, different OS, different devices. This field is an amazing cadder who loves in design prospective way too and there is no shortage of this demand for front end web developers.

Let’s look at the major points to be updated with this technology.

Brush Up the Basic Language for Front End

The HyperText Markup Language (HTML) is the standard markup language that is used to create web pages. It is used to create a digital document. CSS is the styling a sheet that is coming along with the document and the page layout designs. There is no website without HTML and CSS. One of the important players of the game is the framework; you have heard about the javascript framework, it is the caller of the command line. The important part is to choose the framework. To be more compact and easy to use the power fun; pack then you must grab the Angular.js. And also you can pair this with Bootstrap.

 The important thing is to keep in mind as a developer reduces the usage coding level of Javascript as much as a compact which will help you in the page load speed. There are lots of tags to be kept in mind when it comes to word of website and as per client view; it depends upon the design, page speed, etc.

Revision or Version control of the Information

This is a component of the software configuration for configuring the management changes of the document, computer programs, and large web sites with the other collection of data as source code. You must hear about the popular version control called Git. It is a distributed version control system that has been using for tracking the changes in the source code during the development of software. It supports the macOS, Microsoft, and Linux. It is also open-source and free. Developing the software without version control is very risky that it means handling the codes without any backup. This will be more important for working effectively with legacy code.

 It facilitates a smooth and continuous flow of changes to the code rather than making the mechanism to be in trouble. So developing the projects without the version control will be at high risk when they look out for the backup.

Be Aware of the Essential tools as Front End Developer

Sublime Text Editor

The text editor is the core of the developer but it usually doesn’t work alone, it needs a version tool control like Git. The Sublime text editor is a non-free source code editor. It operates on macOS, Microsoft, and Linux. It is written in python and C++ and embedded with git control. Sublime Text is a proprietary cross-platform where the software publisher must retain the intellectual property rights-usually copyrights of the source code. The API is used over here is python programming interface. It means the set of subroutine communication protocols and tools for building the software.

The features are noted with multi-select editing, auto completion-it completely auto-completes the variables created by the user, syntax gets highlighted with high contrast display, a special feature called snippet is also available which allows the users to save the blocks of frequently used code, Gotoanything allows users to switch between open, recent or project files and also helps to navigate to the symbols with them. The Package manager feature allows the user to find, install, upgrade and remove plugins without restarting the Sublime text editor.


It is a library written for javascript which is designed to simplify the HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation and for the CSS animation and Ajax. It makes much easier to use the javascript on your website. Lots of common tasks can be controlled by a single line of code with jquery. The library has several visual functions such as ease-in, ease-out effects. These features make it more preferable choice as a library for javascript.

Twitter Bootstrap

It is a free and open-source framework of CSS. It is directed for responsive web development. It contains templates based on javascript. These templates are used for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and some other interface components. As you all hear about GitHub and it is the third most starred project on GitHub. Anybody with the basic knowledge of HTML and CSS can start using the Bootstrap. It can simply integrate with other platforms and frameworks, on existing sites and along with bootstrap elements you can also use your CSS. It consists of pre-styled components for alerts, dropdowns, etc. It allows on work with a more efficient grid system. The Bootstrap elements almost offer you the best styling website.


It is a javascript based open-source framework which is predominantly worked for the front end. It is developed by Google. This has been developed to simplify the testing and development of the application by handling this framework for the client-side model-view-controller and model view-view model. The paradigm programming method is suited for defining an application’s logic. It has a feature of data binding which is notable in this, as it largely relieving the responsibilities of the template in server backend. The Angular.js detects the changes in models by comparing the current values stored in the process for checking. It provides a single page application with more capability in a very clear view.


The demand of the front-end developer is not going to drop in the market. It is one of the important parts of the web development stream. Try to always update yourself with the latest tools for web developers, which make the website to be more live and reliable to use.

Author Bio:

Elena Randall is a Content Creator Who works for Top Software Companies, provides a top 10 list of top software development companies within the world. She is passionate about reading and writing.





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