Do We Really Need Wi-Fi in Schools?

  scottbradley        2018-11-13 18:13:27       1,202        0         

Why do I think Wi-Fi is needed in schools? Times have changed.  We need to adapt to the changes. I believe the internet is probably the most important tool available today. The world- wide web contains information about anything you could possibly want or need to know.  It allows an even playing field for people who don’t have the information and knowledge to be able to get it. Students today are the future.  They need to be able to access as much knowledge as possible to become successful and make the world a better place. Access to the internet makes a world of difference and it is one that can sometimes cause problems.  Those who have access to the internet have a huge advantage over those who do not have access. Students are lucky in a way because many schools see the importance of access, and school is the only place the student may have access to Wi-Fi to be able to use the internet. I have known this first hand for several years now.

I live in the country surrounded with timber.  All of my high school years I have needed to use internet for research and access to most of my classes.  It would have been impossible for me to complete my classes without the use of Wi-Fi at school. My school issued Chromebooks to its students, but the students still need internet to do most of the work on them. My instructors sent out everything on-line to students from syllabuses, assignments, and notes to tests and quizzes. It is not that I am complaining about the format, because it keeps us all up to date with information and practices and it is fun to learn that way, but it is just that it would create problems at times. If a student didn’t have access to the internet it would be impossible to get homework done. Like I said before, I live in the country.  It has been near impossible for us to get reliable, affordable internet to our home, so often time school is the only place I had access to do my work.  My mom is a teacher. I couldn’t count the times we would have to go to her classroom after school was out or on the weekends to use the Wi-Fi to work on homework. It wasn’t convenient, but without the school having Wi-Fi available, I would not have been a successful high school graduate.

With all of the technological advances in our world today we are in a better place as a nation and world than we were in the past.  Schools are no different.  Students learn differently today than in the past. We are all exposed to the idea of information at our fingertips, lightning fast speeds, social media, on-line ordering, etc. - and it is addictive, but not everyone is able to gain access or be able to afford access without free Wi-Fi available. Wi-Fi in schools allows students to be able to use devices that make them feel more engaged and interested in their learning. Most people today are addicted to some sort of digital device or another, so being able to use that device while learning keeps interest. It allows teachers to push out digital content to a whole class or group of students. It allows access to materials that the school district can’t afford to provide- such as new text books and learning programs. Studies can be more individualized. This can help those who were lagging behind with some extra support or those that are ready to excel to be pushed further.For students that are motivated and curious about something, the internet provides endless information that can increase their knowledge immensely. Teachers can even use programs to monitor use to be sure students are using the internet and their Wi-Fi enabled device appropriately at school to ensure time is being spent learning.

In closing, I would just say that by having Wi-Fi available in schools we are gaining access to the most up to date information out there. It allows all students to have the access no matter where they come from or what their skill set, background, or financial situation may be at least for part of a day.

Wi-Fi definitely helps to create equality among those who participate in being an informed student and citizen in today’s world.

Author Bio:

My name is Scott Bradley, a technology writer & blogger by profession. I love to write articles for many online communities, blogs, & websites related to computer tips & new technologies. Check my site to find all information.





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