10 Technological Trends that are Affecting Life of Teachers

  katiestanfield        2014-12-01 01:38:04       3,904        0         

Technology has reached the level where people think that they do not need anybody to teach them new things. When you do not know about anything, you simply Google it and get the answer. All this is good but in actual it is affecting the life of our teachers. So, whatever conclusions these folks have who are arriving today will always influence everyone else who is working in childhood education through their high school.

Let us see how they are affecting the life of the teachers:      

  1. iPad Is Not the First Tool To Revolutionize The World Of Education

    According to a survey, it says that iPad and other tablets are not the only things that have changed the way of teaching and learning but there were many advancements before that bought change to the world of education and has changed the perception for a teacher student relationship.

    Before all these printing press, there were various things like cave-paintings and also there were invention of alphabets that made human being to keep storing their knowledge like never before. The only difference being the pace of technological development and how people are adopting newer technologies.

  2. Finding The Correct Tool Has Always Been A Problem

    Till date Apple has sold over 14 million iPads to each and every school but still a large number of educators are fighting for finding the right device for the right student at right time. Discovery problems are not limited and almost 100,000 educational applications have been built for iOS devices.

  3. Many Useful Apps Are Difficult To Get

    When teachers are ready to teach their students using technology, they find that some of the applications are very difficult to get because either they are too expensive to download or they are too heavy to work with. There might be some way for teachers and administrators to allow these applications to be used in the classroom with proper context and trainings.

  4. Children Themselves Decide Their Education Tools

    These days’ students are intelligent themselves and they can decide very easily about what device they want to select for their studies and which tool is best for them to know more. Teachers are still finding difficulties in deciding which device or tools are best for them to make children learn but children are smarter now.

  5. Students Become Teachers

    When students find out the right technique and right device to learn new things they even help their teachers with that. This is helping teachers in creating a balance between them and also it is helping to strengthen the bond between their students and their way of teaching.

  6. Educators Are Turning Into Video Game Developers

    Because these new tools and techniques are giving teachers a number of new opportunities, teachers are trying to turn into video game developers. At the same time, students are becoming highly responsive according to their gamified curricula. Many of the teachers are turning into video game developers and will be developing games as well as the applications like Siri-like voice-activation applications within the few next years.

  7. The IKEA-ization of education

    The trend is moving towards digital learning and it is leaving analog designing behind. The previous trend of traditional classrooms and other presenting tools has not evolved that much since 19th century. There are a lot more progressive schools that are not only learning how to make use of technology but are also getting modular, their learning settings, and configurable classrooms that will boost up collaboration and creativity. In the coming future it is believed that even the desks will serve you with more than charging stations.

  8. Make Use Of Technology To Find Out The Meaning Of Words

    With the advancement in the technology the new modifications are turning these analog tools into newer and shinier devices. But this should not be disregarded in any case. Using an iPad will make you realize that you do not need to use paper and pencils more for making your notes but you can always rely on these devices for your notes. Doing something offline is something we should not walk away from.

  9. Common core standards are much better standards

    Like them or do not like them, these common core standards are very different from other educational standards that has rolled out in different countries all over the globe. While the name and the present iterations will automatically move into some different political environment, with the concept that the common core is trying for achieving a prevalent across the world.

  10. Assessment of new rules

    While the common core assesses to the languages like English Languages, Mathematics, and Arts at almost every grade level, but these evaluations are very much limited for capturing the individual moments of a student’s life. Anyone who has ever taken these standardized tests will know the level of one’s mood or their energy levels that will play a huge role in their performance. Nobody believes that these standardization tests will go away easily but there are still some hopes that technology enable easier content creation and students will be assessed and evaluated on the initiatives that are driven from projects and will convey broader skills over their time.

    The media that you have created should work like a replacement for other older assessments. While students have replaced their bubble sheets very soon and technology is allowing them for assessing the performance of students both quantitatively and qualitatively.

Author Bio:

Working with one of the leading Mobile app development Companies in India, Katie Stanfield is also working with the official blogs of the company. She is a die-hard lover of designing and creating iPhone mobile applications. She is good with all the major mobile platforms but she likes to work with iOS more. She mainly deals with the clients and is greatly responsible for translating their company into brands by using her unique skills and ideas.



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