People working with computers seem to have a lot of spare time

  Peter        2012-05-01 07:06:51       9,652        2         

People working with computers are a group of people who spend much time on communicating with PCs, Handsets and other programmed hardware devices. Usually, these people are thought as a group of busy people. When we see them, they are often sleepy and seem not caring about anything else. They often work day and night, spend many hours on finding and fixing an unknown bug or trying to meet the project deadline  Are they really so busy?  Lets see what some people think about them?

Just for fun!!!

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HiGravity [Reply]@ 2012-05-01 07:43:41
This is so true and I hate it. It's so hard to stay focused with these interruptions. As I type this I watch a source checkout that will take 45 minutes go by. When it's done it will spend the next 45 minutes building. I just want to get to writing code!
Moz [Reply]@ 2012-05-02 04:31:45
buy new fast laptop ( Ivy Bridge , SSD )


What language is it?