10 controversial programming opinions?

  é™ˆçš“        2012-05-12 11:02:18       19,270        8         

Every programmer has his/her own understanding about programming. His/her opinion may or may not be agreed by others since they may face different programming environment. Let's see ten controversial programming opinions. You may agree with these opinions or you may not agree with them or you have your own opinion. You can freely share with others by commenting below.

1) The only “best practice” you should be using all the time is “Use Your Brain”.

2) Programmers who don’t code in their spare time for fun will never become as good as those that do.

ost comments in code are in fact a pernicious form of code duplication.

4)XML is highly overrated

5)Not all programmers are created equal

6)”Googling it” is okay!

7)If you only know one language, no matter how well you know it, you’re not a great programmer.

8)Your job is to put yourself out of work.

9)Design patterns are hurting good design more than they’re helping it.

10)Unit Testing won’t help you write good code

Original author : Source : http://coolshell.cn/articles/2424.html





firesofmay [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 11:29:58
The following link is much more clear as it has proper explanation to the Point of View of the author! http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fcoolshell.cn%2Farticles%2F2424.html
taf2 [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 11:33:20
you forgot a good one. "it's not about the code quality be it good or bad - it's about the end user; deal with it."
llawliet [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 11:54:50
#10 is nonsense, unless the comment is purely related to visual aesthetics and not working code.
Ivo Georgiev [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 11:56:45
I don't see who would think #6 is controversial.
Nick [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 14:50:22
If anyone strongly disagrees with any of the above points. Then they probably aren't such a great programmer.
Albert [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 17:58:34
I don't seem #6 controversial. I agree with taf2; I think that's a good point of view that every programmer has to keep in mind. At the end the programmer might be the one who's ain't going to use the program or software, it's the end user. Another thing that I want to say: KISS - Keep It Simple, Stupid. Try to be as simple as possible. Every programmer has his/her own logic, we aren't equally mental; we have different form to do things. Like Nike: Just Do It. There's no absolute solution to many problems. Too many languages or scripts to choose, choose the one that you like or feel comfortable. And learn, that language or script and others too.
Dale [Reply]@ 2012-05-12 22:09:07
#10 is correct as stated, but only as stated. Unit testing along does not automatically make your code better. I have actually written unit tests this week for the purpose of showing that a particular unit test framework can operating in our embedded environment. These tests don't test anything useful. They test that the code does what the code does, not that what it does meets the requirements. They were a proof of concept. Now that we have the framework building and some trivial tests running, we're going to write some tests with substance. Unit tests have to test the correct intended functionality of the code to be useful. It is as possible to write useless unit tests as it is to write buggy code. As an example, I can test that a method doesn't throw any exceptions, but if either the method has all of its code wrapped in a try block or my unit test doesn't do anything that could possibly trigger an exception, the test is useless.
bryan [Reply]@ 2012-05-14 16:34:27
#1 is another word for "Not Invented Here" #2 coding in spare time is a very positive influence, but this is overstated #3 "Most" refers to the real world, where most comments are lousy. Some are not. #4 If this means XML is not the solution to all problems, yes. If this means XML is a bad solution to most problems, no. If you are targeting a browser, JSON is often better. If you are making data formats for many consumers & producers, it's pretty good. #5 All people are created equal. Then they make choices and develop skills that make them unequal. Better devs are massively more productive than the average. #6 Yes. See #1. #7 Mostly. But many great programmers do stick to their fav. #8 Bah. Slogan with little merit. #9 No - Bad devs improperly using design patterns are hurting good design more than they’re helping it. See #5. The problem is bad devs, not design patterns. #10 Provably false, when you write tests first. Real world studies of projects that used TDD from the start found that the cyclomatic complexity and maintenance burdens were strongly better for those using TDD than not.


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