Tim Cook : 100 million iPads are change people's life

  sonic0002        2012-10-23 14:48:13       6,270        0         

In today's Apple conference, Tim Cook revealed a number Apple achieved two weeks ago, Apple iPad is sold 100 million units in past 2.5 years. Moreover, the iPad brings network traffic of 91% among all network traffic in tablet PC market.

In 2.5 years, Apple's iPad series have 3 members: the iPad, iPad 2 and the New iPad. Cook said the iPad's mission is to make things originally complex and confusing simpler so that even the the general children or the elderly can complete. Indeed, the iPad is appearing more and more frequently in study, life and work. According to Cook, iPad has a significant impact on the school education, 80% of U.S. high school core courses can use iBooks textbooks. In addition, 94% of the Fortune 500 companies have been deployed iPad.

In a few days, Microsoft is also going to unveil its own tablet PC Surface which will be a direct competitor to iPad. At that time, the war in tablet PC market will become more and more complex. It's a big challenge to iPad.

Source : http://www.36kr.com/p/162436.html





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