AOL is the biggest winner of Internet Stocks in 2012

  sonic0002        2012-12-27 11:29:17       3,268        0         

At the beginning of 2012, not many people would think that the best Internet stock is AOL(American Online) in 2012. But now there are only four trading days left in 2012, AOL leads the mainstream technology companies with a 99.8% increase in its share price and firmly sits on the throne of the Year Internet Stock.

AllthingsD chooses ten technology companies and their stock market performance in 2012 to do a comparison and gets the above figure. AOL has a 99.8% increase in share price which is almost twice that of the Amazon(49.4%), almost four times of Apple (28.4%). In addition, two other companies also have significant growth : Netflix (30.2%) and Yahoo (21.8%), Yahoo's good performance is because of the investors' recognition of its new CEO Marissa Mayer. Two other giants Google and Microsoft have an increase of only 9.8% and 4.2% respectively.

Some companies perform well, some companies may perform badly. Zynga and Groupon are the two performed very badly this year, one fell 75.2%, the other fell 77.6%, they almost have the same performance as AOL in the previous year, In that year, AOL share price dropped from $23.78 at the beginning of the year to $15.10 at the end of the year. But with the rise of total revenue, AOL has a good year in the stock market.

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