One minute to understand earnings report of IT giants in last quarter

  Sohu        2013-04-27 10:05:38       3,722        0         

According to Sohu IT, if you want to know the operating status of a listed technology company, then the company's quarterly earnings report should not be missed. Now it's time for companies to release earnings report for last quarter, a few large IT giants in United States have announced the previous quarter's earnings. But many ordinary readers are not interested in those professional reports with a lot of finance jargon, so we extracted and summarized some important information from Yahoo, Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon's earnings report in order to allow you to understand the current situation and trends of these tech giants within one minute.

Yahoo (YHOO) - Since Marissa Mayer was in charge of Yahoo last summer, Yahoo's stock price rose by more than half, but the real situation for Yahoo is still difficult because Yahoo is still the original Yahoo. Meyer tries to change the company through the acquisition of start-ups and by changing the corporate culture, but advertising is still the most important source of income in Yahoo, and Yahoo's advertising sales not only fell in the previous quarter but also had a decrease of more than the same period last year. Although the company's profits increase, it thanks to the shares held by Yahoo on Alibaba.

Note: The acquisition and restructuring advocated by Meyer must play a role which can consolidate Yahoo's core business as soon as possible, so as to prove that she can become a "savior" whom Yahoo is looking for many years.

Google (GOOG) - It's the advertising sales not the recently popular Google glasses pushes Google's stock price to more than $800. In the previous quarter, Google vigorously developed the mobile advertising business, but their income is still far less than that of desktop advertising, Motorola business units continue to play a vampire role which cannot make money. But still, Google's advertising revenue in the last quarter is nearly $12 billion (in accordance with the current rates, the money is enough to buy the next 45 years' Super Bowl game advertising). As for Google glasses, Google may want to sell more ads through this smart glass, but whether the majority of consumers will be superimposed by the AdWords ads displayed on Google glasses is still unknown.

Note: While Google's core search business has no signs of a recession, Google is still planning ahead and striving for innovation.

Apple (AAPL) - this company has the cash which is sufficient to cover the municipal budget of the city of San Francisco for the next 20 years, but its share price is less than 60% of the highest point. The legendary Apple TV is still just a legend, but CEO Tim Cook has made Apple more humane. Cook promised to repurchase back 100 billion shares of Apple shares in the next two years and pay the dividends to compensate for the decline in profits and the recent lack of new products. The news pushes Apple's stock price back to above $400, but this is still a far away from the original stock market legend.

Note: The cash dividend is a good thing, but Apple also needs more new products and product updates faster so as to meet the expectations of analysts.

Microsoft (MSFT) - While the PC market still declines, but Microsoft had a strong performance in the previous quarter. Microsoft's profit growth comes from Microsoft's two core businesses: Windows and Office. The Surface Tablet PC didn't bring Microsoft surprises although they put much effort on promoting it, Although Microsoft did not disclose specific sales.. in fact, anyone who thinks that the Surface Tablet can save or ruin Microsoft does not know enough about this software giant.

Note: PC sales are sluggish, but still a huge crowd of people are having a PC, and a lot of people want to try Windows 8.

Amazon (AMZN) - Amazon's sales growth is expected, this e-Commerce giant  had a revenue of $ 16 billion in the previous quarter, according to this rate, Amazon's annual sales are expected to draw retail giant Target). But do not forget that Target does not have Amazon's e-book reader, the original online video programs and publishing business. Amazon enters the field of digital content is a key reason why its shareholders can forgive it although it has a relatively low profit. Amazon highlighted the investment on digital content in the recently released earnings report, it is not without reason: after all, the purchase of digital content, storage, and shipping costs are relatively low compared to that of physical commodities .

Note: Amazon's goal is to become the king of the retail, and the shareholders of the company are considerably patient to  the profit problem.





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