Use CSS calc to align an element vertically

calc function is a function introduced in CSS3, it can be used to calculate length values. There are a few good features which make it suitable for aligning an element vertically. One good part is that the operands can have different units like percentage, px, rem etc. This makes it very flexible when calculating the length value. One example: .rect{ margin-top:20px; height:50px; background:green; width:calc(100%-20px); } Here the left operand uses percentage while the right one ...

   CSS3,CALC,VERTICAL ALIGN     2019-08-23 20:30:23

  PHP to output string to client terminal

It is a common task to echo messages to the user using PHP. There are lots of ways where the message can be echoed to the client terminal(browser or console window) through PHP. These includes some well know debug methods like var_dump() and var_export() etc. In this post, we will show you some other methods shared by Laruence, one of the core members of PHP development team. 1. echo First comes with the most common one : echo. $str = "Hello PHP\n"; echo $str; 2. print Then comes another c...

   TRICKS,DEBUG,OUTPUT,PHP     2015-10-01 03:16:56

  Android create button tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already have an activity and are using an XML layout. Open the layout XML and add the button element.  Assign an ID with the “@+id” operator.  The + tells Android to generate an ID for this element so that you can reference it in your Java files. This is an example. Your layout and text elements will probably be very different. In this example case, the ID of the button is “close”. <Button android:id="@+id/close" android:lay...

   Android,Simulator,Button,XML,Tutorial     2014-11-07 08:30:10

  Kodiak PHP can run PHP codes offline on iPad

In the eyes of the vast majority of application developers, iPad is the terminal equipment for running code, rather than the tool used to write code. However, there are some applications developers finding iPad's potential to develop a wide variety of programming applications with some applications, such as Diet Coda, Koder, Gusto and so on. The family of applications for writing applications has added a new member -  Kodiak PHP. This application runs on iPad, it can be used to develop PHP ...

   Kodiak PHP, rogramming,iPad     2012-09-24 11:54:08

  CSS DIV position analysis

When using CSS to set the position of DIV, we may often get confused with the 4 position properties : static, relative, absolute and fixed. If we don't understand them correctly, we may often get unexpected result. Here we make some analysis to them.The definitions of these 4 properties:static : The default position property. It has no position actually. The element will appear where it should be (top, bottom, left, right or z-index has no use here)relative : This one will position relati...

   CSS, DIV,position,relative,absolute     2013-01-29 03:23:57

  Cool HTML5 matrix effect

Do you still remember the movie The Matrix? Do you still remember the cool matrix effect in that movie? How is that effect achieved? Shaun Dunne shared a piece of HTML5 code which displays a cool matrix effect. The matrix demo can be found here. Below is the code which he achieves this effect: with var s = window.screen; var width = q.width = s.width; var height = q.height = s.height; var letters = Array(256).join(1).split(''); var draw = function () { q.getContext('2d').fillStyle='rgba(0,0,...

   Matrix,HTML5     2013-08-14 08:03:34

  How to make select in WinSock exceed the 64-socket limit

When doing cross-platform network programming, the only API available on Windows that corresponds to the epoll/kevent style reactor event model is select. However, it has a limitation: the number of sockets passed into select cannot exceed FD_SETSIZE, which is set to 64. Therefore, select in Java’s NIO on Windows also has the same limit. Many services ported to Windows that use the reactor model face this constraint, which often gives the impression that server programs on Windows hav...

   EXCEED,SELECT,JAVA,WINDOWS     2024-10-31 23:47:50

  Let's talk about JavaScript deep clone

In JavaScript, deep clone means creating a brand new object that includes all nested objects, with all properties being completely independent copies. This is different from shallow copying, which only copies the first-level properties, with nested objects being referenced rather than copied. There are multiple ways to perform deep copying in JavaScript, but the best one to use depends on the specific use case. Can use JSON.parse & JSON.stringify? ❌ JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is a dep...

   JAVASCRIPT,DEEP CLONE     2023-02-25 08:57:11

  Turn browser into notepad with one line of code

This is the code shared by Jose on codewall. When you type data:text/html,   into the address bar of the browser and press enter, the browser will turn into a notepad which you can edit. Why it works? This uses Data URI’s format and it tells the browser to render HTML. But contenteditable is a property of HTML5, so this can only work in the web browser which supports this property. Here are some interesting contents. Some people make some changes to the code encouraged by the ide...

   HTML5, Browser editor     2013-01-30 04:20:54

  Work with MySQL character set and collation

For non-English websites, they often have to deal with character set and collation if they want to store data to and read data from databases with other languages. Character set tells the database which kind of character encoding scheme to use to store or read data, collation can be simply understood as a subset of character set, it tells the database how to sort data. We talk about working with character set and collation of MySQL today.  In MySQL, if we want to store Chinese, Japanese or ...

   MySQL,character set,collation,Chinese,question mark     2012-06-17 07:07:28