Android create button tutorial

This tutorial assumes that you already have an activity and are using an XML layout. Open the layout XML and add the button element.  Assign an ID with the “@+id” operator.  The + tells Android to generate an ID for this element so that you can reference it in your Java files. This is an example. Your layout and text elements will probably be very different. In this example case, the ID of the button is “close”. <Button android:id="@+id/close" android:lay...

   Android,Simulator,Button,XML,Tutorial     2014-11-07 08:30:10

  Create animated refresh button in Android

In Android, we can have drawings on a button, also we can put animated drawings on a button as well. Today we will show how to create an animated refresh button with an animated spinner on it. We need to create an animated drawing first. Here we name it as progress.xml and put it in the res/drawable folder: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><animation-list xmlns:android=""    android:id="@+id/spin_refresh" android:oneshot="fal...

   Animation,Spinner,Refresh button,Android     2012-11-02 11:51:41

  In iOS6, no need to enter password for downloading free apps

In this coming autumn, Apple will release iOS6. User experience for downloading free apps or  upgrading apps will be largely improved. Users are no longer required to enter password again when downloading free apps or upgrading downloaded apps(free or paid). This means that users only need to enter password when downloading paid apps.In iOS5, users need to enter password when they download or upgrade apps.In iOS6, if users want to download free apps, they only need to click the "Free" butto...

   Apple,iOS6,Password,Free app     2012-07-25 10:53:16

  Remove browse button from input type=file

In Web 2.0 era, many websites will ask the user to upload their avatar when creating their profile. In HTML, the input control we should use is input="file". This is a file control provided by the browser vendor and it should be ran in a sandbox for security consideration. Browsers don't provide ways to choose file from local and upload to the remote server without the input="file" control.  There is one annoying part about the input="file", which is a default button named "Choose File" or...

   file,html,browse,remove browse button     2015-07-12 05:17:51

  Show Bootstrap tooltip in AngularJS ng-repeat elements

In contemporary web application development, many front-end frameworks have been used to accelerate the speed of development and circumvent browser compatibility issues. Among them, AngularJS and Bootstrap are two frequently used.  AngularJS is a MVC JavaScript framework developed by Google to provide easy synchronization between user view and data model. While Bootstrap is developed by Twitter and it eases the work of designing a simple and concise UI without much manual design work ...


  Let browser prompt for storing password when doing AJAX login

In Web 2.0 era, more and more web applications are using AJAX to replace the traditional HTML form element to perform user login. This usually provides a better user experience than form submission. But it also brings a side effect to the end users. That is the browser will not prompt the user whether s/he wants to save the password so that s/he no needs to enter the username/password again when visiting the same site next time. Below is the code snippet which does the AJAX login.  <scri...

   AJAX,Browser,Login,Password     2015-06-04 10:02:46

  Here is why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same thing every day

Have you noticed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg always wears the same thing every day when he appears in the public? A grey t-shirt which is now a symbol of Mark Zuckerberg. The reason why he wears the same thing every day is "I want to clear my life to make it that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community" as what he said in an in-person public Q&A at the Facebook HQ in Menlo Park where he answered questions from people around th...

   Facebook,Mark Zuckerberg, grey T-shirt     2015-03-01 01:01:16

  Now Instagram supports short video sharing

This week we had one article If Instagram supports short video sharing. It said that Facebook might announce a new product in this week's press event on 20 June. In this article, the product to be launched was a short video sharing capability on Instagram instead of RSS reader as predicted previously. Yesterday the answer is revealed. Video on Instagram came out. Video on Instagram enables you to share your story in another way. Now you can see a movie camera button next to the photo button. Yo...

   Instagram,short video share,Vine     2013-06-21 09:40:38

  Guide for installing Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows

Have you ever tried to have two OSs installed on your PC? Do you want to try out the new Ubuntu system? If you do want to use Ubuntu when at the same time you are using Windows, you may want to install your Ubuntu in an VirtualBox. In this post, we will show you how to install Ubuntu in VirtualBox on Windows. Pre-requisites VirtualBox -- You can download it from Oracle. Ubuntu -- You can download it from here. Please note it should be an ISO file The Ubuntu used in this post is Ubuntu 12.04 LT...

   Ubuntu,Windows,VirtualBox     2014-01-15 03:21:05

  Display GIF animation while submitting the web form

Internet appears everywhere in our life. Form as a data gathering component is the must have component in a web app. When the page is submitting data to the server, if it takes a relative long time for the backend server to process the data, then the client users will feel lost while waiting for this if he cannot get any indication about what's happening. They may even reclick the button which will cause the data resubmission. This affects the user experience and also the system performance and ...

   HTML,Spin,Submit,Form     2013-05-17 11:47:07