Should All Web Traffic Be Encrypted?

The prevalence of free, open WiFi has made it rather easy for a WiFi eavesdropper to steal your identity cookie for the websites you visit while you're connected to that WiFi access point. This is something I talked about in Breaking the Web's Cookie Jar. It's difficult to fix without making major changes to the web's infrastructure. In the year since I wrote that, a number of major websites have "solved" the WiFi eavesdropping problem by either making encrypted HTTPS web traffic an accou...

   Web traffic,Security,HTTPS.Encryption,Wifi     2012-02-24 05:02:58

  How mobile-first index impact on your rankings?

Google has officially announced the rollout of its mobile-first indexing. After a year and half of careful experimenting and testing. Google has begun to start a transition to websites that follow best practices for mobile optimization, to help the majority of people who use google search on their mobile devices (mobile users). Google says, its search algorithms use the mobile version of the web page to indexing and ranking, to better help 'primarily mobile' user-base. Google continues to have t...

   SEO,RAMKINGS,MOBILE SEO     2018-07-23 02:59:03

  Google search now highlights search text in target link page

It seems Google is slowly releasing a new feature to highlight search text when user opens a matching search result link through its search engine.  Now for example if you type something in the Google search bar, you will see normal search results. But when you click the link, e.g, the first search result to Stackoverflow, you will see something like below after the link is opened. The searched text is highlighted and the page automatically scrolls to the position where the search text ap...


  Programming: the benefits of taking a break

This post lists several benefits of taking a break during programming. You work smarter, not harder. Once, I worked really hard on a feature. For two weeks, 12 hours a day, I put in a lot of effort. After those two weeks, I took a break and came up with several ideas that made much of the work unnecessary.You think more clearly. Being tired has a similar effect as being drunk. At the end of a day, I often kid myself that I’ll just get this one thing finished quickly to have a fresh ...

   Programming,Tips,Break,Tired     2011-07-28 09:04:29

  Early homepages of some famous websites

Are you curious about what are their early homepages like for some famous IT companies? Let's take a look at them now. 1. Google This page was relative concise at that time. The current Google homepage is more concise. 2. Facebook It went online on 4th Feb, 2004. This was its homepage in 2004 3. YouTube It went online on 15th Feb, 2005. Until 22nd April, the first video clip was uploaded. 4. Wikipedia It emphasizes on free content and collaborative editing. It also supports many languages. 5...

   Homepage,website,History,Google,Facebook     2015-07-23 11:34:18

  8 most successful open source products

Open source itself is a successful product. It is not only liked by many personals, many famous enterprises like itAlthough there are numerous open source projects and open source products, which is the most successful among them? "Success" is defined as the widely used + well known here. In many successful open source products, only a minority leaders. Here we share 8 most successful open source products we think they deserve to be.LinuxReason: Linux + GNU = GNU / Linux. It has been almost 2...

   Open source,MySQL,Linux,BIND,BSD     2012-04-19 08:29:00

  Cybersecurity | The New Dangers That Lurk Online and Their Solutions

(Image source: Pexels) Data is one of the most important things to us. While robbers that steal valuables like laptops, phones, or money are still a threat, cybercrimes are also more dangerous than ever. That’s because your data is far more valuable than you might think. Companies benefit from users’ data by applying it for their indexing, marketing, and accumulation needs. They actively use this information to sell you more products. Have you ever visited Amazon and instantly got a ...

   DATA SECURITY,VPN     2020-04-23 06:47:37

  Top 10 Tell Tale Signs Your Computer Has a Virus

The true genius of the 'computer' is its ability to make human lives easier. This is only achieved from the ability of running software such as word processing, number crunching with Excel or learning from the worlds largest source of knowledge, via web browsers. Today being connected to the internet is fundamental to leading a productive modern life. While internet is a boon it comes with its own share of problems. As internet users increase so does the instance of com...


  Facebook appoints former Google engineer to improve its search function

Facebook has set up a new team to improve its search products, the team leader is Lars Rasmussen who was a former Google engineer..The team consists of more than 20 engineers which is led by Rasmussen. The main efforts are to achieve easier sorting for contents which are created by users on Facebook . This will help Facebook be a more powerful search engine, which not only allows the user to stay longer on Facebook, but also helps Facebook make more profits by selling keyword ads like ...

   Facebook,Search engine,Google,Like     2012-03-30 11:33:28

  Stop obsessing over HTML5 and CSS3

As web designers, we all seem obsessed by HTML5 and CSS3 at the moment. Endless posts, tutorials and discussion about them dominate the blogosphere. But how much are we learning that can be applied today? Don’t get me wrong. We all need to understand HTML5 and CSS3. And a lot of it can be used today. My point is that we seem to be spending a disproportionate about of time reading up on the subject when so many other areas deserve our attention. While others are reading yet another tut...

   Clients, Opinion, Web Designers     2011-06-24 00:55:06