$40 million per year to keep Wikipedia running

Wikipedia is an incredibly frugal and efficient nonprofit organization. It serves half a billion visits per month. But do you know how much it costs to keep this huge website running? According to 2012-13 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, the expected spending is around $40 million. Some may argue that Wikipedia is just a site with "just text", why does it cost so much? Oliver Emberton shared his view. To keep Wikipedia running and serve 500 million visits per month. First, you're going to need ...

   Wikipedia,Spending,Cost     2013-09-24 23:05:10

  Install and setup vsftpd on AWS server

When developing websites, frequently we may need to upload source codes to the remote server. To ease of thew work, many website developers set up FTPs to upload the files. This post is a tutorial on how to install and setup vsftpd on a server. vsftpd is a very popular FTP service on Unix-like systems. Open command terminal, then install the vftpd by issuing command yum install vsftpd or sudo apt-get install vsftpd After installing the vsftpd, the config file needs to be updated based on the ope...

   FTP,vsftpd,AWS,Passive,Active     2015-02-02 02:20:27

  What we still can’t do client-side

With the rise of all these APIs and the browser race to implement them, you’d think that currently we can do pretty much everything in JavaScript and even if we currently can’t due to browser support issues, we will once the specs are implemented. Unfortunately, that’s not true. There are still things we can’t do, and there’s no specification to address them at the time of this writing and no way to do them with the APIs we already have (or if there is a ...

   Chanllenge,Client side,Server side     2012-01-10 07:22:31

  Work with MySQL character set and collation

For non-English websites, they often have to deal with character set and collation if they want to store data to and read data from databases with other languages. Character set tells the database which kind of character encoding scheme to use to store or read data, collation can be simply understood as a subset of character set, it tells the database how to sort data. We talk about working with character set and collation of MySQL today.  In MySQL, if we want to store Chinese, Japanese or ...

   MySQL,character set,collation,Chinese,question mark     2012-06-17 07:07:28

  All I Know About Certificates -- Clients

 Finally, in last article we’ve covered the responsibilities of CAs, showing that being a CA isn’t simple and has high management costs, explaining why issuing certificates costs money! This article we will cover the client in this chain. Verifying Certificates as a Client For clients, verifying certificates isn’t simple either. Articles introducing TLS handshakes often mention "the server sends back a certificate, and the client verifies it," but in reality, as ...


  HeartBleed: Inside the heart, what happens to a normal WEB user?

To be brief, our email, IM, facebook etc. are at the risk, so try to minimize the access in these few days. Especially we should try to avoid log into our internet-banking, because we may expose our user id and password. Also later when the service providers fix the bug, we would better to change a new password for all the web accounts that are important to us. Here comes the technical explanation. You might notice before that a lot of websites use URL starting with "https". For example, https:/...

   HeartBleed,Analysis     2014-04-09 22:41:43

  Necessary Elements for Developing a Website

Website has given businesses a great way to communicate with their existing customers. Without a user-friendly and attractive website, you may not receive as many customers as you may have expected prior launching your website. Therefore, it is usually advisable to outsource your web development services to one of the best web development companies in Singapore. Web development services in Singapore ensures proper development of your website without missing out on any important element. These a...


  8 powerful Chrome extensions

Chrome is a powerful browser, one reason why it's so powerful is that it has abundant extensions. There are various extensions in Chrome Web Store. They can meet all kinds of needs you have and they are very easy to install as well. Here we share with you 8 powerful extensions on Chrome. All of them can be downloaded from Chrome Web Store Holmes A bookmark search tool, if you have lots of bookmarks and you even don't know where they are. Hplmes can help you find them in real time by matching tit...

   Chrome,extension     2013-07-31 01:24:18

  Net Neutrality is Dead - and Web Development Will Never Be The Same Again

Against the wishes of web users and tech businesses alike, the FCC has pushed through regulations to kill net neutrality. Here’s what that means for web developers. On December 14, 2017, the FCC voted in a 3-2 decision to roll back the Obama administration’s 2015 net neutrality rules. These policies, which demanded stronger oversight for broadband companies and internet service providers, ensured that all data on the web was treated equally. Most importantly, they prevented web traf...

       2019-05-02 21:55:53

  How To Make The Most of Your Least Productive Time

Everybody talks about mastering the art of staying productive. Not many people willingly accept that such efforts are futile. It’s impossible to stay productive 100% of the time, and this will never change. Something that I believe to be just as important, if not more so, is what we make of our least productive time. We all have the capacity to be extremely productive for some part of the day. Even the world’s grandest underachievers. But I believe that to be successful runni...

   Productive time,Limit time,Effort     2012-02-06 07:49:47