JQuery Mobile App Development Tips

  JaneReyes        2017-07-27 03:59:47       4,123        0         

Over the recent years, jQuery has been considered as a popular javascript library for creating rich interface websites and applications. And since the framework was initially meant to design desktop browsers, it doesn’t comprise of many features for building mobile apps. Thus, JQuery Mobile app development came into existence. Prominent jQuery development company offers  cutting-edge framework, a range of user interface elements and features for developers to develop innovative and user-friendly mobile apps.

What does a JQuery mobile app do? 

  • First, JQuery mobile makes it easy to develop user interfaces for mobile web apps.
  • Second, one can create their entire basic app interface in HTML, without writing even a single line of Javascript as the interface configuration is mark-up driven.
  • Third, JQuery mobile provides a series of custom events that allows you to detect mobile and touch specific actions like tap, tap-and-hold, swipe, and orientation change, etc.
  • The progressive enhancement ensures a JQuery developer that the app interface works on practically any web-enabled device. 

JQuery is quite known for its integrated user interface for several platforms like windows mobile, iPhone, android, and blackberry. The following post will focus on how to get started with JQuery in an effective manner. But before we move on, one must know that JQuery framework is used in setting up links, pages, buttons, and navigation. Although the basic steps could be learned like internal linking, saving index. PHP, using themes in JQuery mobile and apart from that, here I would like to mention certain tips and tricks which can be used to carry out actions on mobile devices. 

Add traditional JQuery calls

I personally find this extension pretty awesome to JQuery as here anybody can modify things on the page before the mobile plug-in is even triggered. Most of the JQuery developers recommend putting traditional jQuery calls before the reference that loads the mobile plug-in. By doing this, your jQuery commands have a chance to run prior to the library being loaded.

Disable Ajax navigation for all links at once

Today, each and every JQuery mobile app development procedure is accomplished using Ajax navigation. But there are times when you just rather disable it. Here I can show you how to tell mobile library when not to use Ajax navigation. The developer can think of placing it after the reference to the jQuery mobile library especially in the header of the page. Which means the library must be loaded before the code is referenced.

Target platforms with JQuery

Much as a JQuery developer may wish to execute certain CSS for certain devices, he might also want to run jQuery only on specific devices. So in such cases what one can do is:-

var deviceAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

var agentID = deviceAgent.match(/(iphone|ipod|ipad|android)/);













Create mobile Wordpress theme with JQuery

Like I said before, jQuery tool allows you to create mobile websites and web apps like never before. Here is a small guide that shows you how to create Wordpress theme with jQuery mobile application development.

Step 1- Getting files. There was a time when professionals used to create themes from the scratch but all thanks to the technological advancement, there is no need to reinvent the wheel when there’s tools or a functional theme that can help you in saving lots and lots of time as it allows you to modify right according to your needs.

Step 2- Header and footer files. As we are talking about a theme based on JQuery, the first thing we need to do is link to JQuery and JQuery mobile files. One can either download the files individually and link them to the theme or make use of the online versions and link them to your theme. Always remember, jQuery mobile uses HTML5, make sure you modify the doctype accordingly. 

Step 3- Code the homepage. As we are building a theme for mobile devices, a developer doesn’t need anything fancy. With the help of nice transition effects, you can have your homepage without even coding a single line of Javascript.

Step 4- Implement the searches. Right now you are having a fully optimized theme developed for mobile devices but it is really important to consider that your homepage comprises of a working search form and is capable enough to be used on the production site.

Step 5- Final touches. No matter how perfectly you have built the theme, there is always a scope of improvement especially in regards to look and functionality.

So that’s all for today! Keep watching the space to know more about JQuery mobile app development across the world.





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