20 cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins

  sonic0002        2013-09-01 22:07:57       15,895        0         

Have you ever seen the count down component of Apple before its app downloads reached 50 billion times? It's really cool. On a website, we often need to have a count down function, for example, when a e-commerce site initiates some promotions or some organizations want to start an event. In this post, we introduce some cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins.

Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin MORE INFO / DEMO

Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin

Coconut – Jquery Countdown Plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO


It contains 4 circles with different sizes

Dynamic Countdown with Counter – MORE INFO / DEMO

 Dynamic Countdown with Counter

JBMarket Circular Countdown - MORE INFO / DEMO

JBMarket Circular Countdown

Differentiate day, hour and second with different colors.

LuxCountdown - MORE INFO / DEMO


Configurable countdown modules

Easy Countdown – MORE INFO / DEMO

Easy Countdown

jsCountdown - MORE INFO / DEMO


It comes with 14 different themes

Broadcast Countdown Widget - MORE INFO / DEMO

Below are some chargeable jQuery plugins.

JavaScript Animated Counter - MORE INFO / DEMO

JavaScript Animated Counter

Fancy Countdown – jQuery plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO

Fancy Countdown – jQuery plugin

jQuery Plugin – KK Countdown - MORE INFO / DEMO

 jQuery Plugin – KK Countdown

Littlewebthings CountDown - MORE INFO / DEMO

Littlewebthings CountDown

jQuery Countdown Plugin by David Walsh -MORE INFO / DEMO

This plugin is similar to the one in file sharing sites, such as RapidShare and MegaUpload. However, this particular plugin animates the CSS font of the second and offers visitors a little reward at the end.

jQuery Countdown plugin that doesn’t sucks! - MORE INFO

 jQuery Countdown plugin that doesn’t sucks

Countdown Time jQuery Plugin by Web Muse -MORE INFO

This simple jQuery countdown plugin allows you to see the countdown for a specific date. It can be used for product launches or campaigns. It uses JavaScript to update the seconds in the countdown and when the time reaches zero, it stays at zero rather than going into minus.

Countdown / Construction page - MORE INFO / DEMO

Countdown-Construction page

Coming soon landing page - MORE INFO / DEMO

Coming soon landing page

FlipTimer - MORE INFO / DEMO


Below are free jQuery plugins

jQuery Countdown - MORE INFO

jQuery Countdown

Countdown – MORE INFO


 Source : http://www.oschina.net/news/43679/20_awesome_jquery_countdown_scripts_for_developer





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