Erlang Style Concurrency

Introduction On an evolutionary scale of innovation from one to ten (one being Bloomberg and Citi Group, eight being Google and Cirque Du Soleil, and ten being the company you couldn't imagine in your wildest dreams), the company I work for is about a three1. Being employed by this bastion of ingenuity affords me certain opportunities I can't get elsewhere. For example, every developer gets to interview potential...

   Erlang,Concurrency,Lock,Message,Innovation     2012-01-03 10:44:44

  How to upload file to FTP server using C# Asp.Net

This post is about uploading files to FTP server in development. You will learn step-by-step to upload files programmatically to FTP web server. All the examples shared in this post are intended by professionals to make you learn about the subject Here, I will explain you an example of Uploading Files to FTP Server programmatically in C#.Net. Using this approach, the Files will be programmatically uploaded to FTP Web Server. For example, I will create a function in which we will simply p...

   ASP.NET,DEVELOPMENT     2016-06-24 08:45:37

  The trap of the performance sweet spot

This post is about JavaScript performance but I would like to start it by telling a story that might seem unrelated to JS. Please bear with me if you don’t like C.A story of a C programmer writing JavaScriptMr. C. is a C programmer as you can probably guess from his name. Today he was asked by his boss to write a very simple function: given an array of numbered 2d points calculate vector sum of all even numbered points... He opens his favorite text editor and quickly types somet...

   C,JavaScript,Sweet spot,Memory,Low level,Trap     2011-11-06 14:45:01

  9 Ways to Create Thread Pools with Java Executors

In Java, the Executors class provides a variety of static factory methods to create different types of thread pools. When learning about thread pools, the Executors class is indispensable. Mastering its usage, principles, and scenarios will enable you to apply it smoothly in actual project development. Here are some commonly used methods, which I will explain one by one: newCachedThreadPool(): Creates a cached thread pool. If a thread has not been used for 60 seconds, it will be terminated and ...

   TUTORIAL,JAVA THREAD     2024-07-19 23:07:09

  Top 9 Most Popular Programming Languages In IT Companies

1.) C LanguageC  Language is a general-purpose computer programming language developed between 1969 and 1973by Dennis Ritchie at the Bell Telephone Laboratoriesfor use with the Unix operating system.Although C was designed for implementing system software. it is also widely used for developing portable application software.?0102030405060708091011#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("hello, world!\n");&nbs...

   C,Java,C#,C++,Ruby,Popular programming l     2011-04-27 09:21:52

  Java’s toLowerCase() has got a surprise for you!

Have you ever encountered a surprise while using toLowerCase()? This is a widely used method when it comes to strings and case conversion. There is a nice little thing you should be aware of. toLowerCase() respects internationalization (i18n). It performs the case conversion with respect to your Locale. When you call toLowerCase(), internally toLowerCase(Locale.getDefault()) is getting called. It is locale sensitive and you should not write a logic around it interpreting loca...

   Java,toLowerCaser(),Locale specific,Stra     2011-09-29 11:21:07

  Java Interview Questions

Currently there are many articles online which summarize the list of Java interview questions. Some cover lots of basic questions and some cover some specific questions in specific area such as multithreading. In this post, we will not cover the really basic questions, we will cover something different. For basic question, you can read Java Interview Questions。 Basic What is primitive data type? How many primitive data types in Java? What are they? -- A primitive type is prede...


  20 bit operations programmers should know

While talking about bit operation, programmers usually think about its efficiency. In embedded programming and system core optimization, appropriate use of bit operations is always a fascinating. When finding a job, it will help you a lot if you use bit operations when writing codes. Mastering simple bit arithmetic skills is necessary. 1. Get maximum int value int getMaxInt(){           return (1 << 31) - 1;//...

   Bit operation, Tips     2012-12-19 12:53:33

  Address of a Java Object

In conventional java programming, you will never need address or location of a java object from memory. When you discuss about this in forums, the first question raised is why do you need to know the address of a java object? Its a valid question. But always, we reserve the right to experiment. Nothing is wrong in exploring uncharted areas.I thought of experimenting using a little known class from sun package. Unsafe is a class that belongs to sun.misc package. For some of you the package might ...

   Java,Object,Address,Memory,Start address     2011-09-29 11:17:46

  C++ Versus Objective-C

What will programming in Objective-C mean to the C++ programmer Different Object Oriented Languages Almost all of us have heard the term object oriented programming, and most of us have used C++. How will Apple's purchase of NeXT, and NeXT's framework using Objective-C affect us as we develop software? If we know C++ already, how hard will it be to get up to speed on Objective-C? Many people will agree that once they understand the concepts of object oriented programming it doesn't matter...

   C++,Objective-C,OOP,Comparison,Methods,Philosohpy     2011-12-12 07:51:40