20 bit operations programmers should know

  Peter        2012-12-19 12:53:33       28,149        6         

While talking about bit operation, programmers usually think about its efficiency. In embedded programming and system core optimization, appropriate use of bit operations is always a fascinating. When finding a job, it will help you a lot if you use bit operations when writing codes. Mastering simple bit arithmetic skills is necessary.

1. Get maximum int value

  1. int getMaxInt(){  
  2.         return (1 << 31) - 1;//2147483647,  

Another way:

  1. int getMaxInt(){  
  2.     return ~(1 << 31);//2147483647  

One more way:

  1. int getMaxInt(){
  2.     return (1 << -1) - 1;//2147483647  

In C, if you don't know how many bytes an int is.

  1. int getMaxInt(){  
  2.     return ((unsigned int) - 1) >> 1;//2147483647  

2. Get minimum int value

  1. int getMinInt(){  
  2.     return 1 << 31;//-2147483648  
  3.  } 

Another way

  1. int getMinInt(){
  2.     return 1 << -1;//-2147483648  

3. Get maximum long value

C version:

  1. long getMaxLong(){  
  2.     return ((unsigned long) - 1) >> 1;//2147483647  
  3. }

Java version :

  1. long getMaxLong(){  
  2.     return ((long)1 << 127) - 1;//9223372036854775807  

4. Multiply 2

  1. int mulTwo(int n){//计算n*2   
  2.     return n << 1;  

5. Divide by 2

  1. int divTwo(int n){
  2.     return n >> 1;//除以2  

6. Multiple 2m

  1. int mulTwoPower(int n,int m){
  2.     return n << m;  

7. Divide by 2m

  1. int divTwoPower(int n,int m){
  2.     return n >> m;  

8. Check whether a number is odd or even

  1. boolean isOddNumber(int n){  
  2.     return (n & 1) == 1;  

9. Exchange values of two variables

  1. void swap(int *a,int *b){     
  2.     (*a) ^= (*b) ^= (*a) ^= (*b);     

Common version

  1. a ^= b;  
  2. b ^= a;  
  3. a ^= b; 

10. Get absolute value

  1. int abs(int n){  
  2. return (n ^ (n >> 31)) - (n >> 31);

n>>31 will get the sign of n, if n is positive, then n>>31 is 0, if n is negative, n>>31 is -1. If n is positive, then n^0=n. If n is negative, then to calculate n^-1 , we need to calculate n and -1's complement and then do exclusive or operation. Then n will change the sign and the value is absolute value of n minus 1. So at last, do a minus -1 to get the absolute value.

11. Get bigger value of two values

  1. int max(int a,int b){  
  2.     return b & ((a-b) >> 31) | a & (~(a-b) >> 31);  

C version:

  1. int max(int x,int y){  
  2.     return x ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y));  

12. Get smaller value of two values

  1. int min(int a,int b){  
  2.     return a & ((a-b) >> 31) | b & (~(a-b) >> 31);  

C version:

  1. int min(int x,int y){  
  2.     return y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y));  

13. Check whether two values have the same sign

  1. boolean isSameSign(int x, int y){
  2.     return (x ^ y) >= 0;

14. Calculate 2n

  1. int getFactorialofTwo(int n){//n > 0  
  2.     return 2 << (n-1);

15. Check whether a value can be divided by 2

  1. boolean isFactorialofTwo(int n){  
  2.     return n > 0 ? (n & (n - 1)) == 0 : false;  

16. Get remainder of 2n

  1. int quyu(int m,int n){
  2.     return m & (n - 1);

17. Get average value of two values

  1. int getAverage(int x, int y){  
  2.         return (x + y) >> 1;   
  3. } 

Another way:

  1. int getAverage(int x, int y){  
  2.         return ((x ^ y) >> 1) + (x & y);   
  3. }  

18. Get the mth bit of a number n

  1. int getBit(int n, int m){  
  2.     return (n >> (m-1)) & 1;  

19. Set the bit to 1 at mth bit of a number n

  1. int setBitToOne(int n, int m){  
  2.     return n | (1 << (m-1));  

20. Set the bit to 0 at mth bit of a number n

  1. int setBitToZero(int n, int m){  
  2.     return n & ~(1 << (m-1));

Here is one more article regarding using bit operation to realize addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. : Implementation of +,-,*,/ with bitwise operator

Source : http://blog.csdn.net/nash_/article/details/8262185





Sean [Reply]@ 2013-06-08 09:14:30

Great article! Very useful. The link at the end is dead due to an additional "article/" in the URL. Probably a typo! I was able to get to the page by removing it. Just though I'd post and let you know.

Peter [Reply]@ 2013-06-08 10:10:41

Hi, Sean. Thank you. The dead link issue is fixed now.

Someone [Reply]@ 2013-06-08 12:10:24

Please don't assume int is 32 bits.



Nathan [Reply]@ 2013-06-08 13:52:49

Your Java version for getting the maximum long value is correct, but a bit overdone. First, literals of type long can be expressed using the "L" suffix, so "(long)1" is probably better expressed as "1L". Further, since a Long is 64 bits rather than 128 bits, "127" should be replaced by "63". (127 only works because, if the first operand of a shift operation has type long, the second operand is masked for the lower 6 bits after unary promotion. In other words, your "127" is silently being converted to "63", anyway.)

But, the simplest (and arguably correct) way is to use the compile-time contant Long.MAX_SIZE.

Thanks for the article, though. Fun stuff.

Jeff [Reply]@ 2013-09-19 22:37:29
Excellent article! We are linking to this great content on our website. Keep up the great writing.
Neil Harding [Reply]@ 2016-08-08 16:48:34

1) Can also use

  1. int getMaxInt(){  
  2.         return (-1 >> 1);//2147483647,   
  3. }  

I used to use a really fast alternative to h = sqrt(a*a + b*b)

h = a | b (if both values are positive, otherwise force them to + first)

this is within 10%-20% and very handy when you need an approximate distance in a game for example.


When using frameworks in small project