Windows 8 price is unveiled

  sonic0002        2012-10-12 20:03:55       3,682        0         

Although it's still half month away from releases of Windows 8, Microsoft releases price of all versions of Windows 8 on Windowsteam blog. From now on, users can pre-order this product on Amazon, Bestbuy, Staples and Office Depot.

The prices for different version :

  • Windows 8 Professional Upgrade : $69.99
  • Windows 8 Pro Pack-Product Key Card : $69.99
  • Windows 8 64 bit(Full Version) -- OEM : $99.99
  • Windows 8 32 bit (Full Version) -- OEM : $99.99
  • Windows 8 Professional 32 bit (Full Version) -- OEM : $139.99
  • Windows 8 Professional 64 bit (Full Version) -- OEM : $139.99

If you upgrade Windows after 26th October, Windows Pro only needs $39.99. This upgrade plan covers 140 countries.





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The night before product release