Skype wins its position in Windows 8.1

  Peter        2013-06-27 23:49:13       3,926        0         

According to The Verge, Skype finally wins its position in Windows 8.1 after acquired by Microsoft. Microsoft will drop the existing communications applications on existing Windows and replace it with Skype. Skype and Windows 8.1 will be more closely associated and this is what Microsoft expects.

On Windows 8.1, users can still use Skype for voice or video calls even it's in lock screen mode.

In February, Microsoft announced that Windows Live Messenger users would be forced to upgrade to Skype, by then Windows Live Messenger users would be limited to use Windows Live Messenger service. This means Microsoft is in favor of Skype. Giving up Windows Live Messenger service seems a wise move for Microsoft as this service provides the user experience which is not appealing enough.

Windows 8.1 is formally expected to be release in November, now more and more update news about the new version are revealed On Build 2013, Microsoft released the official preview version of Windows 8.1, the updates include Reading List, Food&Drink, optimized search, photo Gallery, new lock screen, the new Windows Store and multi-tasking.

At last, we would like to give some advice to Skype. The UI design of Skype needs to be improved urgently. Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 adopt the flat design which now is eyeball catcher. But the design of Skype is still the old Windows XP style. This is definitely not what people are wiling to see. Is this so difficult to redesign? 





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