What happens on the Internet in one minute?

  sonic0002        2013-08-01 06:47:51       6,944        1         

In one minute, 216,000 images are shared on Instagram, $83,000 sales happen on Amazon, 1.8 million Likes are clicked on Facebook, also 72 hours videos are uploaded to YouTube.

This image is from Omee and it shows us what happens on the Internet in one minute. For example, how many Tweets are posted, how many pictures are viewed, how many minutes communication through Skype.

The data on the graph is from PC Mag, Business Insider and other websites.

In one minute, 2 million searches on Google, 70 domains registered and 571 new websites built, 204 million emails sent and 278,000 Tweets posted.

In June, 2012, Go-Globe.com made a similar graph. Compared to last year, emails sent in each minute increased 36 million, also Google search queries increased 4 times and YouTube video uploads increased from 25 hours to 72 hours.

Now families and friends use Skype communicate over 1.4 million minutes, while one year ago this number was 370,000 minutes. But the situation is different for Facebook. This year Facebook status updates are 41,000 every second, i.e 246,000 per minute, while  last year the status updates each minute were 695,000.

Ok, let's summarize the above graph:

In one minute:

  • 72 video uploads on YouTube
  • 2 million searches on Google
  • 14 new songs increased on Spotify
  • 70 newly registered domains
  • 15,000 music downloads on iTunes
  • 347new blogs published on WordPress
  • 571 new websites created
  • 20,000 new photos on Tumblr
  • 204 million emails sent
  • 3600 new photos uploaded on Instagram
  • 11,000 position searches on LinkedIn
  • $83,000 sales on Amazon
  • 104,000 photos shared on Snapchat
  • 278,000 tweets on Twitter
  • 20 million photos views on Flickr
  • 1.4 million minutes communication on Skype
  • 350G data increased on Facebook, 1.8 million new likes and 41,000 new posts

Source : http://lunax.info/archives/2929.html





Diplomat [Reply]@ 2013-08-04 03:43:56

i think we are missing watsapp


Multithreading program written by newbie