Command Line Arguments

Our Hello program still isn’t very general. We can’t change the name we say hello to without editing and recompiling the source code. This may be fine for the programmers, but what if the secretaries want their computers to say Hello to them? (I know. This is a little far-fetched but bear with me. I’m making a point.)What we need is a way to change the name at runtime rather than at compile time. (Runtime is when we type java HelloRusty. Compile time is when w...

   Java,Command line arguments,First elemen     2011-09-30 11:31:54

  Eight C++ programming mistakes the compiler won’t catch

C++ is a complex language, full of subtle traps for the unwary. There is an almost infinite number of ways to screw things up. Fortunately, modern compilers are pretty good at detecting a large number of these cases and notifying the programmer via compile errors or warnings. Ultimately, any error that is compiler-detectable becomes a non-issue if properly handled, as it will be caught and fixed before the program leaves development. At worst, a compiler-detectable error results in los...

   C++,Compiler,Error detection     2012-04-08 09:55:20

  Simplify Cloud Data Security: A Deep Dive Into Protecting Sensitive Data in Java

Featuring encryption, anonymization, hashing, and access control Network security incidents occur now and then, mostly caused by data leakage. Data security has aroused widespread concern, and the community keeps working hard on approaches to simplify data security, especially in sensitive data protection. Sensitive data includes but is not limited to personally identifiable information (PII) like names, ID numbers, passport numbers, driver’s license numbers, contact information like addre...


  About C++ comma operator precedence

When learning programming language, we will always have one topic about the operator precedence. Since there are many operators can be used in one expression, there should be some rules regarding which operation can happen first so that the compiler or interpreter can handle them correctly. One rule of programming with expression is using as much as brackets as you can to avoid unexpected results. Here we refer one problem we see online about the comma operator in C++. The following program has ...

   comma,precedence     2012-11-12 10:25:00

  Do you really understand C? 21st International Obfuscated C Code Contest winning entries

The 21st International Obfuscated C Code Contest(IOCCC) officially launched the winning source code. IOCCC requires contestants to write the most creative and the most obfuscated C codes with the size limited to 4kb and less Work of each participant is impressive. The winners, including one French, one Korean, five Americans, one Belgian, one Israeli, one British, four Japanese and one Chinese. Here we list some codes: Best short program Seonghoon Kang  from Korea- Decodes spelled out ...

   C,Obsfucation contest     2012-10-25 12:26:55

  A Different Kind of Technical Interview

Everyone who's been programming professionally for a while knows the standard format of the technical interview. You go in, there's a whiteboard in the room, and you write code on it to answer questions.Everyone also has the same basic complaints about these interviews. In a normal work environment, you have access to an API or search engine, but at a whiteboard you don't. Whiteboard questions generally don't include much in the way of overall design, and they're typically limited to simple algo...

   Interview,Programming,Methods,Pairing     2011-06-04 07:56:21

  Pointers, arrays, and string literals

A recently posted question on Stack Overflow highlighted a common misconception about the role of pointers and arrays held by many programmers learning C.The confusion stems from a misunderstanding concerning the role of pointers and strings in C. A pointer is an address in memory. It often points to an index in an array, such as in the function strtoupper in the following code:void strtoupper(char *str) { if (str) { // null ptr check, courtesy of Michael while (...

   char pointer,initialization,literal,cann     2011-09-22 13:29:23

  Valid JavaScript variable names

Did you know var π = Math.PI; is syntactically valid JavaScript? I thought this was pretty cool, so I decided to look into which Unicode glyphs are allowed in JavaScript variable names, or identifiers as the ECMAScript specification calls them. Reserved words The ECMAScript 5.1 spec says: An Identifier is an IdentifierName that is not a ReservedWord. The spec describes four groups of reserved words: keywords, future reserved words, null literals and boolean lite...

   JavaScript,Name convention,Standard     2012-02-22 05:16:53

  Integer overflow

You may be familiar with integer overflow, but what you may not be familiar with is how gcc handles signed integer overflow. First let's look at the standard, for unsigned integer, the standard says : A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because a result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that can be represented by the resulting type. In other words, unsigned integer ov...

   Integer overflow,gcc,Linux     2012-10-20 13:33:10

  Writing Java codes conforming to coding standard

Recently, I was doing some cleanup to one of my current Java project. I find there are many codes which are not conforming to the Java coding standard. So I list them here and hope that people can improve your codes and write maintainable codes. Format source code and manage imports in Eclipse Eclipse provides functions of auto-formatting and imports management, you can use following shortcuts to use these functions. Ctrl+Shift+F --> Format source code Ctrl+Shift+O -- Manage imports an...

   Java, Code standard,Style     2012-09-18 12:50:28