Everyone Can Write Tech Blogs

As a programmer, you’ve probably been told that writing tech blogs can offer a range of benefits. There's no shortage of articles encouraging you to start writing, and this post, this post adds to that chorus. But while the advice is solid, what’s often missing is how to begin the journey of writing tech blogs. Based on my 10+ years of experience, I’d like to share some thoughts to help you get started. From what I've seen, the reason many programmers don’t write tech blo...

   CAREER,RESUME,ADVICE,TECH BLOG     2024-09-08 04:00:52

  Write HTML easily with Emmet and Haml

Writing HTML codes is very boring and tedious as it has many tags and it's static. One solution is to use template, filling content based on other's skeleton. One another solution is high speed writing. We can write HTML codes with Emmet and Haml. These two ways have similar functions but with different characteristics. Haml is based on Ruby, so when working on Ruby/Rails projects, we recommend to use Haml, otherwise we recommend to use Emmet. 1. Emmet Emmet is a editor plugin, the official webs...

   HTML,Emmet,Haml     2013-06-11 19:46:02

  Data from iPhone 5 event

Apple finally unveils iPhone 5 on an event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. At the beginning of the event, Apple showed us some data. There will be 380 Apple Retail Stores opened across 13 countries Last year Apple Retail Store welcomed 83 million customers 7 million Mountain Lion upgrades since last month It ranked the first place in sales for Macbook Air in United States, it has 27% market share in July From April to July, 17 million iPads are sold 84 million iPads are sold until thi...

   Apple,iPhone 5,event,data     2012-09-12 21:26:03

  Some tips for writing proper emails

Email is now becoming one necessity of working. We may receive hundreds of emails everyday, they may from our colleagues, friends or clients. We need to exchange ideas, arrange meetings , asking for help etc though email in our work. A proper email can help us achieve what we want to achieve. Here we share some tips for writing a proper email.At the beginning of an email : Thank the reader is a good way to start the email, thank the reader may make the reader feel happy, especially when you ask ...

   EMAIL,TIP,FORMAT,TEMPLATE     2012-07-02 12:26:32

  Singleton Design Pattern in Java

Singleton is frequently used in applications where resource may be expensive to create and no instance specific state needs to be maintained. For example, when creating database connection, a singleton may be needed. Today we will share the famous Singleton design pattern in Java. 1. Definition Singleton design pattern is a design pattern that restricts the instantiation of a class to one object. It is one of the most well-known design patterns. 2. Application Singleton ...


  How to do pprof for gRPC service

gRPC is a RPC framework based on HTTP and is frequently used for communications among micro service inside the same organization network. However,  the service functions cannot be accessed via normal HTTP URL as it's not a WEB framework. In this case, how to do pprof on a gRPC service? The trick is starting a HTTP server asynchronously while starting the gRPC service. This HTTP server can be accessed to run prrof debug. go func(){ http.ListenAndServe(":10001", nil) }() Since it uses the de...

   GOLANG,PPROF,GRPC     2021-01-29 23:11:33

  The confusing strtotime() function in PHP

Frequently PHP programmers get confused of the use of i month, -1 month, next month in strtotime() function. and hence it leaves some impression to programmer that this function is not that reliable. Let's take one example of strtotime call with -1 month and see why it leaves this impression. date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 month"))  // Assume today is 2018-07-31 What's the output of above call? The answer is 2018-07-01. Why not 2018-06-30? So people get confused. It appears that this is ...

   PHP,STRTOTIME,FIRST DAY OF,-1 MONTH     2018-08-04 05:49:32

  noConflict mechanism in jQuery

Many JavaScript frameworks like to use $ as function or variable name, jQuery is one of them. In jQuery, $ is just a reference to window.jQuery, so even if $ is deleted, window.jQuery will still be available to ensure the whole library can work normally. jQuery API design takes fully consideration of multiple frameworks conflicts, we can use jQuery.noConflict function to easily handle control. jQuery.noConflict accepts one optional boolean parameter[1] to determine whether to hand jQuery object ...

   jQuery,noConflict,$     2013-03-14 19:40:36

  Firefox 18 will adopt IonMonkey as its JS compiler

Tendency would be converse after 30 years. The previous famous Firefox is now forced to change its version number frequently becuase of the rise of Chrome. Last month Mozilla released Firefox 15 and  also released news about Firefox 17, And now Firefox 18 is also ready to come out. According to PCWorld, to keep the promise of bring quicker and smoother experience, Mozzila will adopts new JavaScript technology in Firefox 18. The new Firefox with new JavaScript technology will be 26% qu...

   Firefox 18,IonMonkey,JavaScript     2012-09-17 11:50:02

  Be Aware of these 10 mistakes while designing Your Mobile App!

So you have finally decided to enter the world of technology and you are going to design an application for your business. The time has become when you have to give all the nitty-gitty grins a look and design your own mobile app for promoting your business online. Well when you have finally decided to design your mobile application, here are some mistakes that you are not allowed to make. Have a look:   Do Not Start Designing Your App Without Wireframes Normal 0 false ...

       2014-12-11 02:12:02