Data from iPhone 5 event

  sonic0002        2012-09-12 21:26:03       3,031        0         

Apple finally unveils iPhone 5 on an event at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. At the beginning of the event, Apple showed us some data.

  • There will be 380 Apple Retail Stores opened across 13 countries
  • Last year Apple Retail Store welcomed 83 million customers
  • 7 million Mountain Lion upgrades since last month
  • It ranked the first place in sales for Macbook Air in United States, it has 27% market share in July
  • From April to July, 17 million iPads are sold
  • 84 million iPads are sold until this July, last year it has 62% market share
  • 91% traffic is from iPad among all traffics from tablet
  • In Fortune 500 companies, 94% companies are deploying or testing iPad for their employees standard equipments
  • There are 700,000 app downloads each month, each user downloads 100 apps in average
  • Among these apps, around 250,000 are iPad apps
  • Until July 2012, around 400 million iOS devices are sold globally

From these data, we know what Apple brings to us in the past few years, it changed the world, it changed our way of life. Apple creates an eco-system which helps the Apple products to be more and more popular by paying attention to both hardware and software. We have to admit that Apple is in the leading place in some emerging IT markets. What will iPhone 5 bring us? Who knows.

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