Date interval add and sub prior to PHP 5.3

After PHP 5.3, we can use DateInterval object or date_interval_create_from_date_string() function to add or subtract days,weeks,months or years to or from a DateObject.But prior to PHP 5.3,we cannot do this. If we want to achieve the same effect. We need to use some skills. Here is one:We can use strtotime() function to achieve this. For example:$date=date('Y-m-d',time());$datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1 day'); $datestamp=strtotime(date('Y-m-d',strtotime($date)).' +1...

   PHP,DateInterval,Class,PHP 5.3,PHP 5.2     2011-10-21 10:50:10

  The confusing strtotime() function in PHP

Frequently PHP programmers get confused of the use of i month, -1 month, next month in strtotime() function. and hence it leaves some impression to programmer that this function is not that reliable. Let's take one example of strtotime call with -1 month and see why it leaves this impression. date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 month"))  // Assume today is 2018-07-31 What's the output of above call? The answer is 2018-07-01. Why not 2018-06-30? So people get confused. It appears that this is ...

   PHP,STRTOTIME,FIRST DAY OF,-1 MONTH     2018-08-04 05:49:32