SEARCH KEYWORD -- Parameters

  Set PHP session timeout

There are many different discussions about PHP sessions. We may often face some weird issues while handling PHP sessions. Sometimes session is expired earlier than expected. Or sometimes the session is not expired. This introduces many confusions. Today we discuss how to set PHP session timeout correctly today. In php.ini, there are three key parameters which will affect the session timeout. session.gc_maxlifetime, session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor. session.gc_maxlifetime defined the...

   PHP,session,timeout     2013-08-31 08:11:03

  The world's first HTML5 SIP client

This is the world's first open source HTML5 SIP client (May 12, 2012) entirely written in javascript for integration in social networks (FaceBook, Twitter, Google+), online games, e-commerce sites... No extension, plugin or gateway is needed. The media stack rely on WebRTC. The client can be used to connect to any SIP or IMS network from your preferred browser to make and receive audio/video calls and instant messages. The protocol parsers (SIP, SDP...) are highly optimized using Ragel loo...

   HTML5,SIP,CLient,Google     2012-05-21 06:18:34

  Do NOT use boolean variable as function parameters

We follow lots of coding styles and coding standards when we do programming, but we may frequently forget one. The forgotten one is that do not use boolean parameter as the function parameters. The reason is it would greatly reduce the readability of the code. Don't believe it? When you read the following code, what does this code mean? widget->repaint(false); Do not repaint? Or what does this mean? After looking at the document, we know that this parameter is whether ...


  mysql_fetch_array(),mysql_fetch_assoc() and mysql_fetch_row()

In PHP MySQL mannual. There are three functions which need to be clarified for some users who may get confused when choosing which one to use to get the result. mysql_fetch_array() : by seeting the different parameters, there are three ways to return the result set. MYSQL_ASSOC(Result set with field names as the associative indexs.It means you can use the field name as the index to get value of the specified cell). MYSQL_NUM(Result set with field names as the number indices). Or MYSQL_BOTH(...

   PHP,MySQL,resultset,comparison,mysql_fet     2011-08-05 04:53:09

  Capture video stream with WebRTC

WebRTC(Web Real-Time Communication) is an API supporting real time audio and video communication through a browser. It is now a recommended W3C standard. This post is to show you how to capture video stream and screenshot with WebRTC. Capture video stream To play video stream from the video camera, we first need to put a video tag in our code: <video id="video"></video> The main function to get the video stream is the navigator.getUserMedia, as of now only few of the browsers support...

   WebRTC,Video,Screenshot     2013-10-24 21:04:41

  The Ultimate Guide to Implement Function Overloading in Python

Introduction When it comes to function overloading, those who have learned Java should be familiar with it. One of the most common uses is logging, where different overloaded functions are called for different parameters. So, how can we implement function overloading in Python? Concept of Overloading Function overloading allows multiple functions with the same name to exist within the same scope, but with different parameter lists. Although many programming languages (like Java and C++) support ...

   GUIDE,JAVA,OVERLOADING,PYTHON     2024-11-14 22:29:17

  Gemini Example with Go

To connect and use Gemini with Go, Google's LLM, one can use their official Go SDK for doing this. In this post, we will just show a simple chat example to demonstrate how to make it work with Go. The example is just to ask the model to translate some English to Chinese and get its output. The code actually looks like: var client *genai.Client // geminiOnce.Do(func() { client, err = genai.NewClient(ctx, option.WithAPIKey(string(apiKey))) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } model := client.Genera...


  Polymorphism in OOP Programming

Polymorphism is the capability of an action or method to do different things based on the object that it is acting upon. This is the third basic principle of object oriented programming. Overloading, overriding and dynamic method binding are three types of polymorphism. Overloaded methods are methods with the same name signature but either a different number of parameters or different types in the parameter list. For example 'spinning' a num...


  How to let Google index AJAX contents?

There are lots of websites containing only one page now with the popularity of AJAX. The website will load different contents according to different inputs from users. This approach provides good user experience and it also helps save bandwidth, the drawback is that AJAX contents are not easy to be indexed by search engines. For example, if you have a website: Users can see different contents with the appended # structure in the URL: h...

   AJAX,Search engine,Google,History     2013-07-16 00:47:14

  The hidden risk of passing slice as function parameter

In Go's source code or other open source libraries, there are lots of cases where a slice pointer is passed to function instead of slice itself. This brings up a doubt why not passing slice directly as its internal is backed by an array pointer to point to underlying data? For example, in log package, the formatHeader function takes a parameter buf as type *[]byte instead of []byte. func (l *Logger) formatHeader(buf *[]byte, t time.Time, file string, line int) {} Let's understand the r...

   GOLANG,SLICE,SLICE POINTER     2020-12-13 06:11:14