PHP to integrate with Sign in with Google

Google has a huge user base and hence it provides an authentication service for third party service to integrate with them so that people can sign in with Google in their services. Google also adopts OAuth 2 to provide this kind of Open ID connect service. This post will introduce how to integrate with sign in with Google functionality in your PHP website.  Create a client app on Google The first step you should follow is to create a Google app, you can follow the post here to create the p...

   PHP,GOOGLE API,OPEN API,SIGN IN WITH GOOGLE     2019-03-03 02:00:09

  When to Make a Mobile Web Application

I believe that unless your application meets one of these native application criteria, you should not create a native application, but should instead focus on building a mobile web application. Like I said before, I’m a big fan of native applications and I feel that there are a lot of great innovative and market opportunities here, but mobile web apps are the only long-term viable platform for mobile content, services, and applications. Native applications don’t service t...

   Web app,Situation,Condition,Native application     2011-12-12 02:45:52

  Python Process Protection Watchdog

Project Design Purpose: During participating the cyber exercise as red team member, we found that the injected malware or attack launching program can easy be stopped by the blue team or defense program / mechanisms via killing the process / deleting the file. To address this, our project aims to develop a robust watchdog program designed to bind to target programs, diligently monitor their execution states, and ensure uninterrupted functionality. Continuous Monitoring: Establish a vigilant wa...

       2024-09-14 11:09:14

  Useful Bash Scripts

Many people hack together shell scripts quickly to do simple tasks, but these soon take on a life of their own. Unfortunately shell scripts are full of subtle effects which result in scripts failing in unusual ways. It's possible to write scripts which minimise these problems. In this article, I explain several techniques for writing robust bash scripts. Use set -u ...

   Linux,Shell,Bash,Command,Robust     2012-01-15 10:28:00

  Writing robust shellling scripts

Many people hack together shell scripts quickly to do simple tasks, but these soon take on a life of their own. Unfortunately shell scripts are full of subtle effects which result in scripts failing in unusual ways. It's possible to write scripts which minimise these problems. In this article, I explain several techniques for writing robust bash scripts. Use set -u ...

   Robust,Shell script,Set,Commands     2012-03-19 13:25:26

  An ex-Mozilla employee's view about Chrome

Chrome now becomes the most popular web browser on the planet because it provides excellent user experience. As a general user, we think it's fast and easy to use. How about those who develop web browsers? How do they think about Chrome? Abhinav Sharma ,an ex-Mozilla employee and now Facebook employee, shared his opinion about Chrome. Mozilla fights an uphill battle given Google's advertising budget and capacity to have some incredibly good engineers and designers work on Chrome. They also came ...

   Chrome,Mozilla,Firefox     2013-07-28 23:09:19

  SQL Injection through HTTP Headers

During vulnerability assessment or penetration testing, identifying the input vectors of the target application is a primordial step. Sometimes, when dealing with Web application testing, verification routines related to SQL injection flaws discovery are restricted to the GET and POST variables as the unique inputs vectors ever. What about other HTTP header parameters? Aren’t they potential input vectors for SQL injection attacks? How can one test all these HTTP parameters and whic...

   Code security,SQL injection,HTTP header     2012-04-05 11:42:04

  Tips on Writing for Tech Blogs

If you know your stuff when it comes to tech, you might be inspired to start contributing articles to tech blogs. A friend or colleague may suggest the idea to you, or you may see an invitation for submissions, much like the one on this website. Sounds like a great idea; but what do you know about writing articles, blog posts, or other types of content? Writing is a skill, and there are also practical aspects to writing that you need to be aware of before you start creating your own pieces. Gett...

   TIPS,TECH BLOG     2019-01-14 09:25:07

  Square bracket in checkbox name

0down votefavorite i have a form with checkboxes like this:    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"1\" />Fast Food<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"2\" />Table Service<br>    <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"type[]\" value=\"3\" />Cafeteria<br> when i use the brackets in the name (type[]), my php works:    $type=$_POST[\'type\'];    echo \"types are:\";for ( $counter...

   Square bracket,PHP,JavaScript,Array of n     2011-03-22 10:32:40

  Google is missing in the photo with Chinese president Xi Jinping

Chinese president Xi Jinping has started his formal visit to US on 22nd September. The first stop is Seattle where Microsoft and Amazon headquarters are located. On 23rd September (Wednesday), Xi Jinping attended a forum named "The 8th US-China Internet Industry Forum" in Seattle.  On this forum, president Xi expressed the attitude of Chinese government to Internet. He advocated to build an peaceful, secure, open and collaborative Internet environment so that every country can benefit from ...

   NEWS,GOOGLE,CHINA,XI JINPING     2015-09-24 03:54:18