What is encryption? Its role in the modern age

  sonic0002        2021-01-21 08:04:16       1,141        0         

“Messages and calls are end-to-end encrypted.” If you are a WhatsApp user, you must have read this statement at the top of chats you open. Now, what does it mean? The statement signifies that all the messages or voice notes shared between users are encrypted, and no one can read or listen in on them.

As mostly all of us use messaging apps and emails, information security has become a major concern. Moreover, we don’t know how many digital footprints we leave on the web can be tracked and used against us. We expose most of the details without even realizing it. For instance, by clicking on an ad, you inform third parties of your interest in the product. Hence, don’t be surprised that the same ad will reappear in other channels as well. For the most part, encryption preserves our communications, such as email correspondence, instant messages, or web traffic overall. 

The basic process of data encryption

Data encryption means that plaintext information is scrambled to the point it becomes unreadable. It helps to prevent unauthorized access, as the data can only be decrypted by the intended recipient. Let us understand by following this scenario:

Encryption secures many of your daily activities from criminals, hackers, and spies. In a simple sense, let’s say you want to send your friend Jane a message. Additionally, we assume the use of public-key encryption (asymmetric cryptography). In this case, two keys are essential for communication. So, you use Jane’s public key to encrypt the message. Then, she uses her private key to decrypt it.

This is how basic data encryption works.

Benefits and importance of encryption

The concept of encryption is why many of us are saved from loss, whether it is financial or personal data. As the intensity of cyberattacks is increasing day by day, it has become imperative for tech firms like Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, and more to use state of the art encryption techniques. Here are some of the core benefits of using the best encryption methods:

  1. Security of online passwords. We enter our passwords on many sites over the web. And at the core of each website, encryption keeps our passwords safe.

  2. Safe browsing. There are many VPNs on the web that offer web traffic encryption. If you want to keep your browsing safe, it is best to opt for a fast VPN that encrypts all your online activities. As a result, you can prevent third parties from collecting and monetizing your data. Hence, it is one of the optimal solutions for reducing our digital footprints.

  3. Chat encryption. Just like WhatsApp, many instant messaging apps offer encryption. The superior of them all is end-to-end encryption. What does this mean? Well, WhatsApp and Signal use this option, which means that messages are accessible only to intended recipients.

Types of encryption

If we talk about the types of encryptions, they can be classified into two categories, namely:

  • Symmetric. This method involves the generation of one key for both encryption and decryption. The use of the same key for both encrypting and decrypting the message makes this method cost-effective and less time-consuming.

  • Asymmetric. In asymmetric encryption, two keys are generated instead of one. Both keys are different. The public is available to everyone, whereas the private key is available for only those who want to access the data. Unlike the symmetric method, this one needs more computational power and is also a bit slow.

Algorithms and methods

Here are some popular encryption methods and algorithms:

  1. Triple DES (Data Encryption Standard). This method is a triple-stage process where data is encrypted, decrypted, and again encrypted before sending. It is better and more secure than the traditional DES.

  2. RSA. The Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA) method is an asymmetric encryption method that uses two keys for securing data over insecure networks. The public key can encrypt the data, and the private key can decrypt it.

  3. AES. Advanced Encryption Standard is one of the best encryption techniques used today. This algorithm uses keys of 128, 192, 256 bits to decrypt data of 128 bits. This high number of bits elevates the level of difficulty in cracking these keys, thus enhancing security.

How and why governments want backdoors to encryption?

It evident that encryption is necessary for dozens of activities we perform online. However, tech firms implementing encryption continue to battle government institutions, requiring access. According to them, the end-to-end encryption method should have a backdoor or a bug to reverse the encrypted information into plaintext. While the idea might seem rather simple, experts note its potential danger. Making encryption weaker means that hackers or other shady characters might also exploit it. Thus, it might add to the problem once encryption is no longer the reliable security option.





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