10 Easy Things to Do to Enhance Your Online Security Today

  the HMA app        2019-01-21 07:01:37       1,588        0         

If you think you don’t need to take extra steps to increase your cyber security, you are wrong. Statistics on cybercrime are shocking and clearly prove that you can’t have ‘too much security’ while using the Internet today. For example, did you know that by 2023 cybercriminals will have stolen over 33 billion private records or that 15 million Americans became victims of digital identity theft in 2017 (Norton)? That’s not even mentioning millions of monetary losses that occur every year because of cybercrime.

Overall, you need to get extra layers of online security to stay safe, and this is how you do it.

Top 10 Things to Do If You Want to Boost Your Security Online

1. Use strong unique passwords

Each of your accounts needs to have a strong and unique password (and username as well). A ‘string password’ means that it should be 12-20 digits long and include letters, numbers, and symbols. Letters should be in both registers.

2. Avoid public Wi-Fi

Public Wi-Fi is like a public pool, but only worse. You should avoid using it at all times as hackers often target these weak and vulnerable connections to steal private information fast. If possible, you should avoid using public Wi-Fi to do anything important, like logging into your mobile banking app. In case you do need to use this Wi-Fi, you should use a VPN as well to encrypt your data.

3. Use a VPN

A VPN app can boost your online security by providing an additional level of encryption. But for maximum security, you need to look for an app that’s more than a VPN. At the very least, you should use solutions that utilize bank-grade encryption. However, You can also find VPN solutions with built-in extras like the HMA app, which is not only a VPN with all the security this implies but also a part of the Avast family. This means that some of the world’s leading cybersecurity specialists contribute to its continuous development.

4. Monitor your account activities carefully

If the service allows this, you should set up alerts that will tell you about any log ins and outs as well as other changes with your account. However, as this feature might be unavailable, you should log into all your accounts once a week and check them for any suspicious activity directly.

5. Use firewalls and anti-malware software

It’s essential to have specialized anti-malware software on your smartphone, tablet, computer, and any other gadget you can install it on. Set up the strongest firewalls you can afford and be sure to enable the auto-update feature. With over 230,000 new malware samples emerging in a day, frequent updates are essential for the solution to stay effective.

6. Do not use cracked software

It might seem like cracked software helps you save money, but the truth is that it only puts you at a greater risk. This type of software is extremely vulnerable and often already contains nasty malware, which might slip under your radar. And then it will be too late because should hackers steal your personal info and use it to empty your bank account, you will lose far more than the cost of a licensed solution.

7. Monitor your Google activity

Use the MyActivity Google service to make sure no one has been tampering with any of your Google accounts. Note that it monitors even things like internet search history. You need to be on the lookout for changes not made by yourself.

8. Never leave sensitive information in cloud

Cloud storage is very convenient, but it’s not a good place for sensitive information. If absolutely necessary, use specialized encryption software to protect the files before you upload them.

9. Double-check privacy settings on all your accounts

You should run this kind of check every few months as sometimes things might change because of an update.

10. Back up your data

Creating backups for all important data you store on your computer. You’ll need it in case online security precautions fail and your tech is damaged.





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