7 Incorrigible Mistakes Of Mobile App Design

  luicekruger        2015-06-18 08:08:48       3,143        0         

Plethora of mobile apps are launched every day, let alone a month or a year. With such a rising competition making an app which is not liked by people is a committal sin not just from a user's perceptive but also due to so many people and their efforts attached to it. In this blog we will discuss some of the very important factors which one should know before crafting an app. It's obviously not worth crying over the split milk as 80% of the users not even open an app again if they encounter any problems or do not like it.


Let us find out the 7 major stoppers which can put an end to your vision of a highly successful mobile application.

1. Obfuscating Marketing

Marketing campaigns when carried with a panache is always successful but those who implore in-front of the audiences look extremely silly and further ruins your image. This is because those terrible pop-ups which beseech the users for in-app purchases or either to follow social accounts. Instead of working as a performance booster these adds will work as growth retarders for your app and users will end up un-installing your app. So, do not push these things over your audiences as they will do the needful if they feel like.

2. Design for all

In order to say in the competition it is essential to design apps which are tailored for the latest technology. There are times when a new technology takes over very rapidly, wherein it do not means that all the users switch so swiftly. Therefore, you need to make sure that your app runs properly on all devices. Moreover, when we know that the technologies related to bigger performance and screen resolutions change very rapidly therefore neglecting the old ones is the one of the major mistakes which app development companies do. It is a very well known fact that users do abandon those mobile apps which do not provide the best visuals.

3. Functionalities which your app offers

With millions of apps active in the app store the competition has increased very much. Thus, in order to stay in the competition it is not that you need to incorporate functionalities which should be class apart but your functionalities should be very very clear and should deliver what they intend to. Even app with normal functionalities of booking tickets are widely used. Moreover, those apps which have limited functionalities loose when developers try to experiment with it. This is why simple apps which have the potential to gain more fail due to the diversion in functionalities. Users think that the app is deluding them and eventually they abandon it even if they need it.

4. Intrude in their personal account

Another major mistake which mobile app manufacturers make is to enter into the social networking accounts of the users. Do not just try to barge in and get their personal information by giving them in return something which is worth of dimes. There are a lot of issues such as security which comes while giving away information to any website.

5. Calibration problems

User experience has taken the front seat in the mobile as well as web application development. The major cause of this is the huge amount of competition in the market as well as the zest of providing sublime technological experience. Now, users having numerous options in front of them won't tolerate apps with calibration or screen rotation issues. This is pernicious for your app as it provides a bad user experience while surfing, playing video games or watching videos. With so many rivals in the market who would wait for you to fix these trivial issues. The users when experience these issues tend to switch to other apps.

6. If your app loves battery, users hate it

Another reasons why your app gets abandoned is the amount of battery that it consumers. If your app loves battery then it becomes a big loathed thing by smartphones users as they already run under battery crisis. It is certainly irrespective of the utility it provides to the users. No matter how much your app is useful it is going to be abandoned if it eats up the battery. It is obvious that mobile apps do consume battery but what we are talking here is about a lot of battery. This happens generally with gaming apps on the top of it if your app has sounds and vibrations.

7. Make an app not a an intervener

If you think that notifier is a very important functionality which every user look forward to. Yes! indeed it is, but it irritates a lot when the notification becomes too much. What you can do instead, is that you can give controls on whether to get notifications or not. This will work as a positive point for your app instead of becoming an intervener.

I hope these tips might help you to prevent your app from users abomination. Feel free to share your thoughts!

Author Signature: Lucie Kruger is an application developer working with Mobiers Ltd, which is the leading mobile application development company. She provides concrete information on latest information on mobile technologies like iOS or Android development processes.






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