Here is why Mark Zuckerberg wears the same thing every day

Have you noticed that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg always wears the same thing every day when he appears in the public? A grey t-shirt which is now a symbol of Mark Zuckerberg. The reason why he wears the same thing every day is "I want to clear my life to make it that I have to make as few decisions as possible about anything except how to best serve this community" as what he said in an in-person public Q&A at the Facebook HQ in Menlo Park where he answered questions from people around th...

   Facebook,Mark Zuckerberg, grey T-shirt     2015-03-01 01:01:16

  Windows 8 launch event data

Today on Microsoft Windows 8 launch event, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and Windows manager Steven Sinofsky shared with us some data. Let's see what's happening to Windows. Since launch, Windows 7 system gains a total of 670 million upgrade and 400 million new PC installed with Windows 7.Microsoft's cloud storage service Skydrive, 200 million users share 11 billion photos and 550 million documents. new 2PB file uploaded monthly.(1PB = 1024TB)Windows 8 has been tested in 190 countries for 1.24 bil...

   Windows 8,Microsoft data     2012-10-25 13:16:30

  Is Google still in China?

According to Tencent Tech, data from traffic statistics agency CNZZ shows that Google only ranks fifth in China's search engine market calculating by page views. Its market share is 2.13% in China. and although Baidu is still at the first place, its market share also declined and the its market share is less than 70%. Overall, Google's market share in China drops continuously. At the same time, Baidu also faces competition from other search engines, especially from new entrants Qihoo. Qihoo laun...

   Google,China,Market share     2013-07-05 07:12:58

  Yahoo to change name to Altaba and becomes Alibaba's father

Yahoo, one of the most successful Internet giants in later 1990s, is now becoming a company living with selling assets(offices, domain names) and holding the stocks from Alibaba. Its core business which it was proud of has been sold to Verison with $4.8 billion as disclosed in some document submitted to SEC. Now it's starting the process of changing its name to Altaba. After the acquisition, the current Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer will resign from the board. But the company will still keep some val...


  Microsoft is to promote 80-inch Win8 Tablet PC

Microsoft VP Frank Shaw told Wired that Microsoft is going to offer 80-Inch Windows 8 Tablets PC. He said that Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has one such tablet PC, “Steve Ballmer has an 80-inch Windows 8 tablet in his office. He’s got rid of his phone, he’s got rid of his note paper. It’s touch-enabled and it’s hung on his wall.”He mentioned the display screen of the 80-inch Windows 8 tablet PC will not be made by Sharp. Earlier this year, at the CES in Las...

   tablet pc,Window 8,80-inch,Microsoft     2012-05-28 06:05:33

  Microsoft is the 17th largest contributor to Linux

The Linux Foundation has released 2012 Linux White Paper which analyzes developers and contributors of the Linux kernel from 2.6.36 to 3.2.The top ten contributors are: Red Hat, Intel, Novell, IBM, Texas Instruments, Broadcom, Nokia, Samsung, Oracle, and Google. The software giant Microsoft's contribution ranked at 17, while the company's CEO Steve Ballmer has claimed previously that Linux is a cancer. Microsoft engineers have contributed 688 patches, which are mostly related to Hyper-V vir...

   Linux,Microsoft,Contribution     2012-04-05 07:43:19

  Will China surpass United States on innovation?

I had some discussions on whether China would surpass United States on innovation with some entrepreneurs during last weekend's APEC. The conclusion is United Stats has advantages on innovation today, but in the future, China's innovation will be more widespread and successful. For the next 10 years, what advantages do United States and China have? Actually United States has obvious advantages, especially on innovation structure and innovation culture. Technology -- It's undoubted that Unit...

   Innovation,China,United States     2013-07-15 04:40:12

  AOL is the biggest winner of Internet Stocks in 2012

At the beginning of 2012, not many people would think that the best Internet stock is AOL(American Online) in 2012. But now there are only four trading days left in 2012, AOL leads the mainstream technology companies with a 99.8% increase in its share price and firmly sits on the throne of the Year Internet Stock. AllthingsD chooses ten technology companies and their stock market performance in 2012 to do a comparison and gets the above figure. AOL has a 99.8% increase in share price which is a...

   AOL,Stock market     2012-12-27 11:29:17

  Why choosing Carnegie Mellon over Harvard?

Carnegie Mellon and Harvard are both well-known world class universities. They have attracted lots of students all around the world to apply for. But Carnegie Mellon and Harvard are two different types of universities, they have different focus as well. What drives people to choose Carnegie Mellon over Harvard? Yishan Wong, CEO of Reddit gave his opinion on Quora.  Because you can fail out of Carnegie Mellon.  It's well-known that once you get into Harvard, it's very difficult to fail ...

   Carnegie Mello,Harvard     2013-08-08 22:10:11

  The Giant Mafia

There is an old Chinese saying "Things of a kind come together. People of a mind fall into the same group.". In the wave of Web 2.0, there are many emerging IT giants coming out the world. And many of them are founded by a group of people who previously worked together at the same company such as PayPal and Facebook. This is called giant mafia. Let's see what people from the big IT giant have done after leaving the original company. The PayPal mafia Peter Thiel, co-founder and CEO of PayPal bef...

   Facebook mafia,PayPal mafia,Twitter mafia     2015-04-04 10:32:00