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  The concept of Iterative Model in a Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

The iterative model implemented in any Software Development Life Cycle is all about an initial, simplified implementation which may or may not gain more complexity in future. Furthermore, it is can even be called as a broader feature set until and unless the final system is accomplished. Now while discussing the model, chances are there that he concept of incremental development will also often be used liberally and interchangeably. This means incremental alterations made during the design and i...


  Returning To Work After COVID-19: How To Ensure Your Employees Are Ready

Every aspect of our day-to-day lives has been impacted by the Internet, whether it be work or personal time. Since nations enforced strict lockdowns, employees have mostly been working remotely. Now that the world is slowly getting back on its feet after the lockdown, employers are evaluating their options and planning strategies to ensure employee safety after returning to the physical office.  With some restrictions remaining, companies must consider not just the workplace, but employees'...

   TRAINING,COVID-19,REMOTE WORK     2022-03-29 08:35:08

  5 Modern Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process

Without even a pinch of doubt, the labor market across the globe has turned highly competitive. So, there goes a rat race where the best recruiters vie to hire the most potential candidates. Let's say you need to hire Java developers. Certainly, your hiring challenge would be to find applicants with niche skills. Sadly enough, the traditional hiring methods are detrimental to getting the creme of the talent pool. It's time-consuming and involves a lot of manual and paperwork, wherein there are c...

   HIRE,JAVA,DEVELOPERS     2017-06-28 00:15:48

  How does Class box get 1 million users with only 4 people?

"Class box" is an app which helps students create course plan developed by 4 Chinese. This app was created in 2012. They get over 1 million users with only 4 people. How do they make this? The co-founder of "Class box" Tianfang Li explains this on Zhihu. Here is what he said: About millions of users, in the mobile Internet era what we need to do is just find a good entry point, rapid iteration and with a little luck, a small team or even an independent developer can make millions user level prod...

   class box,team size,sillicon valley     2013-04-03 08:08:21

  Why to Build Modern Web Apps with ASP.NET?

ASP.NET offers multiple options for fabricating cloud-based web applications. Its features such as the ability to cope up with different platforms including Mac, Linux, and Windows along with its open source nature indicate its efficiency. The various architectural modifications in the core framework have made the system more affable, and modular components make the job easier by simplifying the various implications.  Microsoft has worked on the roots of this software to render a sophistica...


  Something you may not know about Shell

Shell is also called command line interface, it is the interface between *nix users and computer. Shell is a program which provides service to access OS kernel services. This article is to introduce some not so well known but useful and interesting knowledge about shell. Wiki shell was born almost at the same time as Unix. The first UNIX shell was written by Ken Thompson in 1971 and its name is Thompson sh. It's older than Linux kernel. The default Shell in most *nix and MacOS is bash, bash was...

   Linux, Unix,Shell,Command     2012-11-24 07:19:47

  Weibo is testing an Instagram like app called Lvzhou

Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, is testing an Instagram like app called Lvzhou(Oasis in English). Now only invited people can access the app. You can download the app on App Store if you are an iPhone user or you can download online if you are an Android user. The vision of this app is to allow users to discover beautiful world, users can post photos or short videos and share with the rest of the world. Before you can access the app, you have to obtain an invitation code shared by y...

   INSTAGRAM,WEIBO,LVZHOU,OASIS     2019-09-07 09:59:54

  How to choose a jQuery plug-in?

jQuery plug-in provides a good way to save time and simplify the development, programmers don't need to write each component from scratch. However, the plug-in will also be a destabilizing factor in your code library. A plug-in saves countless development time, but a poor quality plug-in will cost more than the actual time to write your own component from scratch. Luckily, usually you have many pls to choose from, but even if you have only one plug-in, you also need to know whether it's worth us...

   jQuery, plug-in     2012-10-27 03:51:40

  20 cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins

Have you ever seen the count down component of Apple before its app downloads reached 50 billion times? It's really cool. On a website, we often need to have a count down function, for example, when a e-commerce site initiates some promotions or some organizations want to start an event. In this post, we introduce some cool jQuery countdown scripts and plugins. Circular Countdown jQuery Plugin MORE INFO / DEMO Coconut – Jquery Countdown Plugin - MORE INFO / DEMO ...

   jQuery,countdown,plugin     2013-09-01 22:07:57

  1) How to Reset a Mac Computer

Why do you want to reset your Mac computer? Probably, you are thinking about selling it. Alternatively, maybe the computer has become too slow thus frustrating you most of the time. Additionally, you may simply be considering freeing up some space. Regardless of your reasons, the first thing you should realize is that resetting the machine is a demanding task. Additionally, it would be great to remember that in resetting the machine, you are basically formatting the hard drive fully while reins...

       2019-05-30 19:13:20