Will Google+ be a "Ghost City"

Just now, I read an article about Google+’s status quo. The key point of this article is that it states that Google+ is now a “Ghost City”. According to the article, users of Google+ spend only 3 minutes per month on Google+, this is a very low participation rate for a social network website. After reading this, I wonder whether Google+ is really a Ghost City now, I cannot give my answer. Since it was released just around 8 months ago, so the user base is not very large. ...

   Google+,Social fayigue,User base,Ghost City     2012-02-28 09:44:39

  Create rounded corner buttons in photoshop using gradient

Hi People,I should rather call you photoshop lovers, right ? We are going to create a very simply yet eye catching but sober buttons in photoshop. They are simple light in weight and can be used the way you want. You can also add some glossy look if you wish to. But these days not many people like website with those glossy looks. Here is the final output which you will get after reading this tutorial.However many web-developers, webmasters, designers do not like to use images as buttons, but the...

   PhotoShop,Rounded button,Design,Gradient     2011-10-10 14:04:33

  Web Consistency Testing

Introduction Web Consistency Testing is a new form of Web testing that aims to answer the simple question: does this page look right? It's an automated approach to making sure a page looks the way we expect, whether that be cross-browser, over time (regression), in multiple locales, or whatever else we can think of. Kevin Menard, founder of Mogotest, presented an in-depth talk about what Web Consistency Testi...

   Website,Consistency,Testing,Consistency testing,Advice     2011-12-01 02:52:30

  $40 million per year to keep Wikipedia running

Wikipedia is an incredibly frugal and efficient nonprofit organization. It serves half a billion visits per month. But do you know how much it costs to keep this huge website running? According to 2012-13 Wikimedia Foundation Annual Plan, the expected spending is around $40 million. Some may argue that Wikipedia is just a site with "just text", why does it cost so much? Oliver Emberton shared his view. To keep Wikipedia running and serve 500 million visits per month. First, you're going to need ...

   Wikipedia,Spending,Cost     2013-09-24 23:05:10

  Create an adaptable website layout with CSS3 media queries

With the rise of both very large screens and mobile devices, web developers have to be able to create websites that display correctly and look good whatever the device is. Sure, you can use good old techniques like fluid layouts, but I’ve got something better to show you today. This tutorial will teach you how you can create an adaptable website layout using CSS3.Getting startedView demo (Horizontally resize your browser to view it in action)Download filesCreating the default layoutT...

   CSS3,Media,Mobile device,Resize,PC,@medi     2011-09-20 12:38:27

  Install and setup vsftpd on AWS server

When developing websites, frequently we may need to upload source codes to the remote server. To ease of thew work, many website developers set up FTPs to upload the files. This post is a tutorial on how to install and setup vsftpd on a server. vsftpd is a very popular FTP service on Unix-like systems. Open command terminal, then install the vftpd by issuing command yum install vsftpd or sudo apt-get install vsftpd After installing the vsftpd, the config file needs to be updated based on the ope...

   FTP,vsftpd,AWS,Passive,Active     2015-02-02 02:20:27

  Google CEO : Facebook holds its users hostage

Google CEO Larry Page claimed in a media interview recently that it’s unfortunate that Facebook has been pretty closed with their data while Google is in the business of searching dataPage has been attacking Facebook ban on the search engine to search its data. In fact, the battle between the two sides has been going on for several years, and in June 2011 Google launched its social networking service Google+ which somehow further exacerbated the tension. On Monday, Page, in an interview...

   Google,Facebook,Hostage,Larry Page     2012-05-23 05:58:07

  Should All Web Traffic Be Encrypted?

The prevalence of free, open WiFi has made it rather easy for a WiFi eavesdropper to steal your identity cookie for the websites you visit while you're connected to that WiFi access point. This is something I talked about in Breaking the Web's Cookie Jar. It's difficult to fix without making major changes to the web's infrastructure. In the year since I wrote that, a number of major websites have "solved" the WiFi eavesdropping problem by either making encrypted HTTPS web traffic an accou...

   Web traffic,Security,HTTPS.Encryption,Wifi     2012-02-24 05:02:58

  Which Type of IT Career is Best For You?

Considering the growth of the information technology job market, a career in IT is an incredibly smart career move.  A career in IT can mean many things – you can become a network administration, website developer, database specialist, programmer or engineer. The job range is vast and can suit various personalities and levels of technical skill. Having a good insight into those job profiles is key to make the right decision about your career path. Here's a selection of some of the mos...

   career,IT,tips     2014-07-30 09:21:40

  What you may not know about PHP session

When we access one website, the site usually should have a mechanism to keep track of the status of the user on the site. There are a few mechanisms supported by many server side languages to help track user status such as session and cookie. Today we will talk about session, when creating a session, we need to keep track of many data, besides user data, we also need to tell the server what is the timeout of the session so that we can garbage collect the session data which should not be stored a...

   PHP session,session timeout,example     2013-07-06 08:44:18