What was the Internet like in 1995?

  sonic0002        2013-04-10 06:30:28       13,429        0         

The Internet evolves very fast since its birth. In 1995, a TV program called Computer Chronicles made an episode about new technology "The Internet". Now let's check out what the Internet looks like in 1995 through some video screenshots.

First the host Stewart Cheifet appeared in the video where he was in a network cafe. There you can meet the real people and virtual person. That's a good thing.

The first guide of us is the technology journalist from New York Times John Markoff.

He said his favorite thing on Internet was using Email, the below screenshot  shows the email he received from Steve Jobs.

Markoff said he got thousands of emails and he used the email client Eudora to filter emails.

Markoff also said he liked to download software from the Internet and he used a software called An Archie, this software can be used to check all computers which have software.

To search these software, Markoff used Archie.

This is the search result page, look some of them are from Germany, Virginia and California.

This is Nunteas, this software helps you check the USENET news group, it collects computer related contents from the global.

This looks very cool, but Stewart wants to know what risks do we have to use Internet.

Markoff said we should not put our password and credit card account on the Internet.

Stewart said another interesting thing about Internet is you can not only post text and images but also publish music.

Severe Tire Damage is a band formed by people from Xerox,DEC and Apple. They posted their music on the Internet.

This is their concert scene.

This is the webpage of Rolling Stone band.

Let's get back to Stewart, he wants to introduce us a new person.

Charla Beaverson, a product manager from CompuServe, she will demonstrate us how to connect to Internet.

This is CompuServe service.

You can use it to register USENET news group, this may take 1 minute to load this service.

You can subscribe to news group. Stewart wants Charla to demonstrate FTP for us.

These are the most popular FTP sites then, Apple is one of them. You can download books on Book Stacks Unlimited.

This is another feature of CompuServer : Web browser named air mosaic, this is the homepage of Pizza Hut.

Stewart said some people also wanted to make money online.

For example, this is the Whole Earth Catalog.

This is the order of webpage content.

Stewart also said that Internet was not just business, users could post some community information online.

George helped an unprofitable organization to get information from the Internet.

Through this website, users can get some information about government officials.

Stewart said the obvious feature of Internet was that you had to spend much time on waiting. Next Stewart mentioned one interesting thing which was users could create their own webpages.

Joe Lambet from Digital Media in San Francisco said successful webpages could attract 20000 to 30000 people to view. It's not very difficult to create a webpage because you have to use HTML.

Luckily Mike Brown from SoftQuad demonstrated how to create webpages in a simple way.

This is how we create webpages. Finally Stewart said the above was just one corner of the Internet.

It's about 20 years now since the Internet appeared. But the Internet today is quite different from what it was like in 1995, right? What about 20 years later? Let's see.

Source : http://it.sohu.com/20130408/n371947121.shtml





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