Today in history : Steve Wozniak invented Apple I in 1975

  Peter        2012-06-29 06:00:08       8,966        0         

The original Apple Computer, also known retroactively as the Apple I, or Apple-1, is a personal computer invented by Steve Wozniak ion 29th June, 1975. Wozniak's friend Steve Jobs had the idea of selling the computer.

  • CPU : MCStek 6502
  • CPU Speed : 1MHz
  • Bus Speed : 1MHz
  • Memory : 8Kb
  • Resolution : 60.05 Hz, 40*24 characters
  • Power : 58W
  • Price : $666.66

The Apple I went on sale in July 1976 at a price of US$666.66, because Wozniak "liked repeating digits" and because they originally sold it to a local shop for $500 plus a one-third markup  About 200 units were produced. Unlike other hobbyist computers of its day, which were sold as kits, the Apple I was a fully assembled circuit board containing about 60+ chips. However, to make a working computer, users still had to add a case, power supply transformers, power switch, ASCII keyboard, and composite video display. An optional board providing a cassette interface for storage was later released at a cost of $75.

Until 2008, there are still 30-50 Apple I computers existing in the world, making it a very rare collection's item. The average price for Apple I now is between $14000 and $16000. In November 2010, an Apple I with serial number 82 sold for ï¿¡133,250 ($210,000) at Christie's auction house in London.

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