Top 10 Tell Tale Signs Your Computer Has a Virus

  roberthudson        2017-03-19 21:05:12       4,633        0         

The true genius of the 'computer' is its ability to make human lives easier. This is only achieved from the ability of running software such as word processing, number crunching with Excel or learning from the worlds largest source of knowledge, via web browsers.

Today being connected to the internet is fundamental to leading a productive modern life. While internet is a boon it comes with its own share of problems. As internet users increase so does the instance of computer virus attacks. 

Computer viruses are a common problem for millions across the world. It therefore is important to find ways to proactively mitigate and limit the proliferation of this problem. Based on research and tips I have sourced from CNET, Boxaid, The Original PC Doctor, Kaspersky and Microsoft, this article lays out the top 10 tell-tale signs your computer may have a virus and some helpful tips to prevent further damage.  

1. Slow Internet Speed

Quite often we confuse virus attacks with slow broadband speed. We often tend to blame the service provider. However, the problem could be because of a virus hogging computer memory and therefore impact on your computer's ability to properly operate the browser. So if you are experiencing slow internet speeds, perform a virus scan.

2. Sudden Appearance of Popups on Your Computer Screen

Quite often we come across popups on our computer screen and at times they could be obnoxious and could also border on contents which are pornographic in nature. If this happens, you can be more than sure that it is because of a virus attack. No amount of computer repair will work unless this virus is removed. 

3. Inability to Access the Internet 

Computer forums receive daily complaints of users being unable to access the internet in spite of having good internet connectivity. There could be many reasons for this problem and in some cases virus infection will be the culprit. 

4. Crashes 

You could suddenly see your operating system crashing calling for its re-installation. Even then the problem could continue and in such instance amongst other things you must rule out the risk of virus infections. Malware today is one of the biggest reasons for such sudden and unexplained crashes. 

5. Hard Drive Behaving Suspiciously 

If you come across situations where your hard drive shows excessive activity, software is running slow or your desktop shows glitches, it is highly recommended you perform a virus and malware scan on your computer.

6. Hard Disk Running Out Of Space

You could also come across mysterious situations where files in your hard disk could be disappearing. Further, there could be instances where the free space in your hard disk gets filled up without your contributing to it. Virus attacks could be the reason for the same. 

7. Involuntary Network Activity 

If your computer is on a WAN or LAN network and you find that it is going through unusual network activity you can be reasonably sure that it is because of virus attacks. 

8. Access of Unwanted Websites Involuntarily

Many times your browser could be leading you to some bogus websites out of your control. This could be from a redirect virus that has been installed on your machine.

9. Programs Which Start Automatically

You might come across situations where you could find programs starting automatically and shutting down without your knowledge and instruction. This could be because of virus attacks. 

10. Your Security Protocols May Have Been Compromised

There are special types of malware which are designed to break into your security protocols like passwords. Though such instances are rare, you must be aware of such virus risks on your computers.





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