Some thoughts about Facebook native app

On Techcrunch Disrupt last month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg's remarks about their mobile app sparked a denunciation against Web App. HTML 5 seems to have become the bottleneck of poor experience of all related mobile applications. From the user perspective, Facebook native iOS App rates from the 1.5 star to four star now; since the introduction of new native app, the user usage is doubled. It's not easy to have a huge rise of user usage for such a big app like Facebook. Especially consid...

   Facebook, Native app, Analysis     2012-10-12 20:38:11

  A strange behavior of printing struct with nested struct in GoLang

Normally when trying to print a struct , we would use %v to show all data of the struct. It will print the default format for each field in the struct. %v the value in a default format when printing structs, the plus flag (%+v) adds field names But recently we observed a strange behavior when printing a struct with nested struct which has a String() string implemented, the %v format prints an 'unexpected' output per our understanding.   Let's see the example snippet first. pa...

   PROGRAMMING,GOLANG     2018-10-29 09:59:49

  The iFOREX Trading App is First Class

If you have searched the web for trading application reviews, you are bound to hear terms like ‘state of the art’ and ‘lightning fast execution’. The real question you should ask is - Can you trust the broker who will facilitate your trading to provide you with a robust platform that has several tools that will allow you to successfully trade. You want to make sure that the platform is intuitive and does not take weeks to learn how to use.   The iFOREX trading platfo...

   APP,TRADING,IFOREX     2018-12-20 08:07:35

  Eclipse 4.4 is going to fully support Java 8

Eclipse is the most popular IDE for developing Java applications, but it seems lag behind the Java 8 release a couple of months ago. The current Eclipse is not supporting Java 8 and if you want to run Java 8 programs on it, you need to install a plugin. You can find the plugin at the Eclipse market place. Now Eclipse 4.4 is coming to us on 25th June and the code name for it is Luna. This new version of Eclipse introduces some new features which can ease developer's work, these features includin...

   Eclipse,Luna,Java 8     2014-06-18 05:00:37

  The requirements of DevOps development

DevOps has become a popular and commonly adopted software development model in IT industry in recent years. Its popularity is partially because it advocates it could improve software development efficiency, delivery speed and cost saving. This is especially favored by managers who become the main force to promote this type of development model in their companies. However, we must be cautious about DevOps model as well. With their advantages, they also bring challenges to development teams and th...

   AGILE,DEVOPS,SPRINT     2018-06-03 23:18:44

  5 Modern Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Process

Without even a pinch of doubt, the labor market across the globe has turned highly competitive. So, there goes a rat race where the best recruiters vie to hire the most potential candidates. Let's say you need to hire Java developers. Certainly, your hiring challenge would be to find applicants with niche skills. Sadly enough, the traditional hiring methods are detrimental to getting the creme of the talent pool. It's time-consuming and involves a lot of manual and paperwork, wherein there are c...

   HIRE,JAVA,DEVELOPERS     2017-06-28 00:15:48

  Developing an eCommerce Website? Here are 4 Things to Keep in Mind

  When it comes to Web development, it is a complicated process. There is a plethora of facets to assess, from performance to user experience. As far as building an eCommerce site is concerned, it is quite a challenging task. Most of the users tend to visit the website in order to gather information about and purchase products. For this reason, a Web Application Development Company tries its best to make this process intuitive and effortless. Besides considering usability, there are some po...

       2015-12-22 05:28:33

  How to choose effective colors to improve your website traffic

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that looks don’t matter and it’s what’s inside that counts. Would you be eager to open a present that does not seem too promising on the outside, even when knowing what it hides may pleasantly surprise you? Right – it’s about the whole package. It may be the content on the site that creates value and makes a visitor stop for longer, but the background that accompanies it definitely plays a major role, too. Now that you’re a...

   Color,Web design     2014-10-06 13:35:08

  Practice of using spinlock instead of mutex

Spinlock and mutex are two important concepts in multithreading programs. They are used to lock some shared resource to prevent concurrent access which may affect data consistency. But they do have differences, what are the differences? when should we use spinlock instead of mutex? The Theory In theory, when a thread tries to lock a mutex and it does not succeed, because the mutex is already locked, it will go to sleep, immediately allowing another thread to run. It will continue to sleep until...

   Spinlock,Mutex,Concurrency     2014-04-19 21:54:12

  Behind Start Screen of Windows Phone 8

Last week, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 8, in addition to some new features, the biggest difference between WP8 and iOS, Android is that it has a start screen consisting of abundant live tiles. Senior product manager of Microsoft Josh Phillips published an article on Microsoft official blog. He talks about the story behind start screen of Windows Phone 8. "How can we make Start even more personal" is the question Phillips and his team is always thinking about. Windows Phone makes the static ...

   Windows Phone 8,Start Screen,Live Tile     2012-11-03 02:27:22