Behind Start Screen of Windows Phone 8

  sonic0002        2012-11-03 02:27:22       4,047        0         

Last week, Microsoft unveiled Windows Phone 8, in addition to some new features, the biggest difference between WP8 and iOS, Android is that it has a start screen consisting of abundant live tiles. Senior product manager of Microsoft Josh Phillips published an article on Microsoft official blog. He talks about the story behind start screen of Windows Phone 8.

"How can we make Start even more personal" is the question Phillips and his team is always thinking about. Windows Phone makes the static and useless icons on iOS and Android become live tiles, each tiles connects to some contacts, apps, websites, playlist or other important information, the tile can dynamically update latest information, you can view photos anytime, check tomorrow's weather and message from friends.

See above picture, compared to the previous start screen(left), Start screen on WP8 has ore freedom of personalization, each tile can change size, change position, change color. They can become more personalized, funny and also information can be presented more timely.

On Windows Phone, Start is more than just a place to launch apps. You can pin your best friend there to see her status updates throughout the day, the CNN app for the latest headlines, or an eBay item to see if you’ve been outbid. Whether it’s a person, an app, a photo album, or a musician you care about—Windows Phone makes it possible to stick everything you love right on the part of the phone you see and use the most. That’s what makes Start so different: it’s completely relevant, personal, and unique to each of its users.

Phillips also compared WP8 with iOS and Android.  Set a Windows Phone down next to an iPhone or an Android device and one thing you’ll probably notice is how much more empty, or “negative,” space we use. Compared to other smartphones, there are also fewer visual frills like borders, shadows, or glassy reflections. This isn’t an accident. Our goal is a more balanced, uncluttered look that puts the focus onyour stuff, not our stuff.

The Start Screen of WP8 is indeed a big difference compared to current smartphone OS present. It gives us more choices and freedom to personalize our own start screen so that they can be both cool and efficient.

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