How to choose effective colors to improve your website traffic

  Angelica Jennsen        2014-10-06 13:35:08       3,837        0         

Don’t ever let anyone tell you that looks don’t matter and it’s what’s inside that counts. Would you be eager to open a present that does not seem too promising on the outside, even when knowing what it hides may pleasantly surprise you? Right – it’s about the whole package. It may be the content on the site that creates value and makes a visitor stop for longer, but the background that accompanies it definitely plays a major role, too. Now that you’re aware of it, don’t just randomly choose any color of the rainbow to represent your page. Instead, let us paint a picture of what a color-perfect, attention-drawing and traffic-inducing website should look like.

Let the audience be your guide

Looking to attract a certain audience, you should first become aware of their individual preferences. While women seem to generally feel more convinced when the female-related sites are covered in bright, pleasant colors like pink, cream or white, men tend to go for more definite shades, like dark blue, orange or red. Similarly, younger audience – including children and teenagers – likes the colors to be vivid and energetic to match their fast-paced lifestyle, whereas people halfway on their journey of life appreciate rather moderately intense shades from one color range.

Send the right message

Not only do gender or age matter, but also cultures are not free of their own views on meanings that colors commonly convey. Hence, aiming your services or products at a particular nation or place, remember to take their cultural differences into account. And so, the Chinese see the popular red, a powerful and often used colors, as a representation of luck and happiness, while white, normally associated with purity and often used on a variety of websties, in their culture stands for quite the opposite idea. Likewise, green creates an association of money for Americans and wealth in Saudi Arabia, whereas in any other places it may only correspond with notions of nature. In the Arabic world, purple which you might often find on websites conntected to expensive jewelry as it evokes the feeling of dignity could cause rather negative reactions, since it is ideologically related to impurity and religious infidelity. Bad connotations for South Africa and Egypt are red and yellow respectively – these commonly accompany mourning ceremonies.

To improve traffic to your site as well as increase sales, among a variety of other techniques you may opt for highly effective color adjustment. Of course, it is impossible to say what a perticular website for a particular product or service should look like. This you will have to decide yourself. Keeping in mind the target audience, choose from a wide color range of infinite possibilities to most efficiently appeal to your ideal customer. Remember, though, that just as the right shades may pull the right strings, they can also hit the wrong notes and make you lose clients in no time. To avoid such situations, make sure to learn about any cultural or social preferences beforehand, and tailor the color variety on your site to the likes of people who you hope to impress. Having prepared a perfect combination of shades to aim at your prospective audience, you are set for inevitable success. Good luck!

Angelica Jennsen is an experienced Marketing Specialist currently employed by Seven Spots who divides her time between work and her passion for traveling and learning languages.





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